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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Dascurf

  1. By the way... I need short films to screen at this event. The dealine for submissions if May 1st. Get in touch with me. justin@justincurfman.com "TICKS" teaser from Justin Curfman
  2. Someone give me an idea on how to make a bird's egg... just the geometry. Thanks guys!
  3. I have an object emitting streaks. I imported it into a chor. and my computer is suffering... even in just wireframe render... suggestions? When I try to select the object I just get "realtime render error" Exception "033" and Exception "001" Help? I have the latest driver for my FireGL 3100
  4. I am making a scene with fog and clouds with some particle animation in mind... basically a wind storm. Someone point me there. - Justin
  5. Somebody 'splain this to me.
  6. Hey guys. I am making a sort of hilly / desert terrain. I want to use a displacement map for it. Can someone coach and refresh my memory about this. Thanks, Justin
  7. How do I change the rulers to Ft. & In. from the metric? Man... what an idiot!
  8. Hey guys... working bugs out... my community is not working on the new version... any ideas? I sign in with user and password and seems that nothing works...
  9. Hey guys! I'm back! I just dug out my copy of A:M 2005 - ver. 11.1 to use for my new film, and it won't work! The program loads and stays active for approx. 5 minutes and freezes over and over again. Any ideas? I know that you all are going to tell me to buy the new one, right? Please don't do that to me. What's weird is that when I hit control+alt+delete it just shows that A:M is running fine... Many Thanks, Justin Curfman
  10. I actually editing .mpeg in Premiere 6.5. I'm done with my A:M part. I suppose this is more of a video tech. question. I should have been more specific I suppose.
  11. I am trying to export a video file to DVD for playback on TV. I am doing 720X480 with aspect ration of 4:3 but the TV is cropping the sides off of the video. Do I drop it down to 640X480? Do I go smaller? If any of you guys are video-heads please let me know. Thanks, Justin
  12. It's taken about a year to do, but it is finished as of this morning. My first stop-motion/CG "hybrid" film is done. Please take a look and tel me how you feel about it. 'Tis a little surreal and dark, I suppose, but surely some of you might get a kick out of it: Here's the link: "PLATELETS: LEPIDOPTERAPHAGE" Thank you to everyone on these message boards. If not for this place I probably would have given up in frustration. All of your help has been greatly appreciated! 'Till the Next Project, Justin
  13. By the way... Could anyone give me a recommendation on some good compositing software. I am using a sort of bare bones combo suite from Ulead right now. Something good and light on the wallet. Hey... sounds like a description of my ideal mate... Justin
  14. Pacing has always been a problem for me. When you do this stop-motion thing you spend all day on one shot and when you get down to editing you just HATE to cut off a lot of it because you get that "all that work for nothing!" little monkey in your brain and you just can't let it go. Very frustrating sometimes. You all know what I'm talking about I'm sure. But I suppose 50% of most art is sacrifice in the first place. Plus you know how most of the films from the mid-20s to the early 40s have that sort of dragging quality and a sort of haphazard music droning in the background during dialog pauses... music basically put there to sort of drown out the microphone crackling and the poorly delivered stage dialog that translates poorly into film... well, unfortunately, I like that. I think that I sort of unintentionally carry that over into my own work. But, like I said, this is rough and will probably get edited several times before I'm hapy with it. I am just glad that I group for critique. If something like had always existed I am sure that cinema wouldn't be in the rather poor state that it is in right now. Thanks again!
  15. I just posted this rough little clip from my next film. The sets are CG - the puppets are stop-motion and keyed in. This is more akin to stop-motion but you might like some of the CG work too (though very amateurish). Take a look: http://www.justincurfman.com/platelets.htm Love to hear form you. Thanks, Justin
  16. Yep... greenscreen. I had to soften the edges out a bit to get that hard clipping out of there. I am about to go into post and get those nasty little edges erased out of there. What a pain in the ass. But it can be done!
  17. Here's a rather simple and sort of boring little still from my new film. The only "real" thing in this image is the puppets... the rest is CG. Does it look alright to you all. I'm pretty satisfied with it. Just like to get some thoughts. (I have to go back in post and erase those nasty green halos off of my little guys) Thanks, Justin
  18. Whoops. Sorry if I have offended anyone with those stop-motion films. I suppose I should have put a warning on there. Here's a warning... there. Once again, my apologies to you all
  19. We are working on our first CG film over here after a few years of traditional stop-motion work. Our problem is in deciding which route to take. We are leaning toward cel shading for the project we are planning. It seems to compliment the stop-motion work done in the past, but second opinions are always welcome here. So... what do you think: 3-D? or Cel Shade? I have a little poll on my site for those that care to participate: Justincurfman.com News Here are some of our past stop-motion films
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