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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Dascurf

  1. Hey Guys: It's been a while since using A:M... I can't remember where the flattening function is!!! Can someone guide me through this again? I know that you select the model, use the rotate tool, move the pivot, and then flatten... but I can't remember where the flatten function is... and sorry... that book that David Rogers did is pretty good... but the guy almost never tells you where anything is located in the controls. Thank you soooo much. I am using A:M v. 15 - Justin
  2. Just the butterflies are A:M. They are crude, but I think that it sort of fits the silliness of the whole thing. I just hope it gives a few of you guys a chuckle... and an appetite. Honestly... moths... if roasted... taste like popcorn. Seriously. But, larvae... have this weird kind of taste like tempera paint. You can buy the stuff at this website called Thai Bizarre. Some of it is pretty tasty. - Justin
  3. Here ya' go - link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seg0Xx5Ocus
  4. Yeah... I did that too. I have it to repeat 4 times... it still just goes through one cycle. Got any other suggestions?
  5. I have a walk cycle that I am applying to a model in a chor and it won't repeat. I have repeat on, of course... but nothing. Any suggestions?
  6. I have a stickfigure walking. The walk cycle is 20 frames and I want it to be repeated. I put the model in a .chor and then dragged the action onto it. Now the figure will ony do one cycle (no matter how many times I tell it to repeat) and does the cycle super super slow. Any suggestions?
  7. That was it! thanks!
  8. THANKS!
  9. Hey guys... I have a model that I have attached a bulb light to. It is not working. It shows in skeletal mode that the light exists and can be manipulated, but it is not working when it renders or anything at all. Suggestions? Am I missing a command or something?
  10. Guilty as charged... I'm doing three things at once... THANK YOU! funny how the simple things are most elusive
  11. I have a clip rendering... there is an animated decal on a model... sometimes when a frame renders it seems to split the decal in half diagonally leaving one half of the model with the decal and the other half of the model black... I have tried to render the clip as an .avi and as an .mov and I get the same problem.... any suggestions?
  12. Thanks guys. I will try .tga and see what happens.
  13. I am using an .avi I am using A:M ver.15
  14. How do I solve this problem?
  15. How can I attach a light (lightbulb) to a model?
  16. I am trying to get a particle emitter to work on a simple rectangle model... no luck. I think that I might have reset something somewhere and dont know how to fix it. It was working at one point until I looked at some unreasonably complicated sprites tutorial somewhere that called for me to make some esoteric system settings... now I can't get it back. Any suggestions?
  17. That's kind of what I had in mind. I made an oval shape and saved as .tga. How do I get the white around it keyed out?
  18. Any suggestions as to how I might be able to make sprites glow?
  19. Do I just do "new - rotoscope" in chor. mode? Or do I have to make a simple rectangle and apply the video to it as an animated decal and then position it in front of the camera?
  20. I have a MPEG-2 that I want to use as an animated rotoscope. To what do I need to convert this video file? An AVI? A MOV? Help me, kids. - Justin Curfman
  21. So... I am superimposing something I created in A:M over a video. The object has to move in unison with the video background. Is there a video rotoscope option? Or... do I have to make an animated decal and slap it up as if it were a rotoscope?
  22. Program suts down in Chor. mode when I import a model... gives me a dialog box that says "Unhandled Exception #001". What is this and how do I fix it? - Justin
  23. So... I am making a fencing mask. I need for it to be transparent in the places where the mesh has holes in it. I am making a bird's egg model and then putting a cookie cut decal over it. Is that the way to go?
  24. Dascurf


    Hey guys. I want to make a model of a piece of ribbon tied into a loose bow. Any suggestions?
  25. Take a look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRE4he3LT1I This is just a little teaser for a fundraiser show that I have coming up for the film. The dog and terrain are real stop-motion the rest is CG.
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