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Everything posted by all2c00l

  1. The trees aren't bent yet but i am working on them.
  2. ok, how is this?
  3. here is the palm tree i am working on. I haven't found a bark i like yet, but i like the leaves. What do you guys think?
  4. Well, im fairly new to this program and im learning the art of creating models. My jaw is on the floor! Fun!
  5. This is part of the island that i made a replica of and put in more detail. I would like to know if the grass and sand mat i used looks good and how to improve it. Also, i worked hard to make the grass sand connection look good. Any comments are appreciated.
  6. Thanks for the help. This is a rush project for my childrens church and it is only for the flyby so i am hoping to soften it with some palm trees. Thanks
  7. This is an island i am creating for a flyover on an animation so it won't need much by way of detail. I haven't added the palm tree's yet, but that is next. For the rest of the animation i will have detailed scenes. I'm up for some feedback.
  8. Here is another view. The body isn't where I want it but I just make little changes at a time.
  9. I have been working to make his head look more like a toon. Let me know what you think.
  10. I like that the best of any toon look I have seen. Is there a simple way to explain how you got that look? Very Cool!
  11. Here is the very rough draft of the upper body of my model. Critique away.
  12. Thanks, I have been playing with that. I have been making the chin bigger to the point of insanity. I knew I would like animation but I had no idea how much I would like modeling. Thanks everyone I will be around for a long time I'm sure.
  13. Ok, I feel like I've made some prgress but it hasn't been easy. Let me know what you think and give any advise you see fit to offer. Thanks
  14. Thanks to all of you. I finally got the five point spline to work. KenH, that is what worked finally.
  15. Any know why this 5 point spline won't shade?
  16. I made some improvements but I forgot to add them so let me know if this is enough. Thanks
  17. Looks awesome! Just out of curiousity, how long does it take to create a model that indepth?
  18. I'm ready to work on a body for my head model. Can someone suggest a tut. for how to do the body and attach the head?
  19. Thanks entity I appreciate your help. I haven't started rounding his face yet. The Tut. I learned off of starts flat and works out. If you have anymore advice I am all ears. Thanks everyone.
  20. Ok, here is the updated version. Let me know what you think now. I didn't smooth any of the lines so this is rough but I got the ears on.
  21. Thanks for the help guys, I'll update it for you soon.
  22. Thanks for the info. Are you talking about the splines that run from back to front or the splines that run from ear to ear?
  23. This is my first head and I've done it without any rotoscopes (because can't draw but I can sculpt). I'm nowhere nere finished but I'm not sure the neck lines will work well when he turns his head. Can someone tell me before I continue? He is a superhero that I am creating so I want him to have a strong jawline and stocky neck. I still want him to be cartoony like a buzz lightyear. You may notice he isn't that way right now but I didn't want to continue until I made sure I was on the right track. face.tga
  24. Great work! I am trying to absorb as much info as I can as I am learning AM. I'll keep watching and learning.
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