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Posts posted by robvmonte

  1. Here Is my review of Jersey Girl:


    This is a great movie, well written and directed. The cast is superb! The little girl was a perfect fit for the role. Kevin Smith out did himself this time. I do think that Jay and Silent Bob should have been in there, at least a for a second maybe at the end, a quick remark from Jay could of been great. This movie is a must for all movie go-ers! If you have to see one movie this year, Its Jersey Girl! It will leave you thinking about it even when its over!



    I give it an: A

  2. I got another question for you victor: Did you lathe or extrude the form of the giant? Like how you lathed blitz did you do the same for the giant?


    BTW I wasnt going to give up in the first place Its just I didn't fell my skills were that great, my goal is to work for Pixar.

  3. I would first like to say good job on the post. I saw it and just wanted to stop working on animation forever. There is nothing to critique. Your bone structure is really complex but I guess the more complex it gets the better the animation. You are an inspiration to everyone.! Keep it up. btw how did you make the texture?

  4. does anyone know an easy way to create gun fire (the fire oyu sese coming out of the gun when shot) Like the killer bean effect. I tried following his tutuorial but he soesnt explain how to creat it. Please Help!

  5. Heres a really cool picture I did. Oh and I dont need help with cloth wizard anymore. My character is Officially complete! The picture Is really wide so you've been warned. Tell me what you think of the pic. Do you like how its done? If so should I do all my completed models like that? Give me some feed back! :P



    Robert Fiermonte


  6. I loved everything about it. What you should of added was when he was thinking and about to speak, he should of madea grin/smile. Maybe he did. I still thought it was kool. One question where can you find out about the 10 second club?

  7. OK Ive got the Arms Done. Thanks to all that helped ESPECIALLY nerrazzi. nerrazzi I got your model and saw how you did it and I redit so I could learn. Thanks so much everyone! Now for the next step legs. Ill keep you posted on them! Wish Me Luck! :D


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