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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by filipmun

  1. I need to rework the ears to blend with the head, it was a low patch model.
  2. I can handle PS, just the UV mesh separation and texture alignment that are hard, you have to take a best guess and go back and forth to see if the hair size and direction not to mention tonal value is correct. This is the hardest part in AM I think, here is the tiger with out the stripe yet, I will post my uv arrangement later.
  3. Thanks entity, I am working on that too, the difficult part is to create seamless texture, I was wondering; is multiple stamping lighter then a large combined UV mesh? Well lets compare with the out come later.
  4. Hi, I am in the process of texturing this tiger and wonder how many other ways is there compared to the usual paste on type. TigerB.zip
  5. I like to see this one finished, are you going to put in the suckers?
  6. Just playing with an uncomfirmed animation.
  7. Hey, the x plane should be slightly smaller and with drop shadow. Just made two trees, one that mimic sprite emiter another with hair material and leaf texture. Rodney, I haven't seen your work lately?
  8. Here is the second stage rendering, only simple materials is used so far.
  9. Here is a screen shot of the scene I am composing, options whether to use still image, hair or sprite emitter to create more trees at the back ground were suggested at the AM main thread. I will post the final when ready. Thanks for the suggestions!
  10. Here goes, the volcano at 700kb gif. Notice the verticle streaks some where close to the end which is not intensional.
  11. I can't seems to upload the avi at 4.5mb, gif is not allowed either, where do I find upload information and guidelines?
  12. This is my first animation with particle system and force, the avi is a preview and my actual is in tga. However, I face some rendering defects in the final render and retouched inPhotoshop, see attached img. Any idea what is the cause? The entire sequence took about 15 hrs, currently trying object colision.
  13. You don't get to see the final because it copyrighted by the ministr of education. just another clips...
  14. Yes Rodney, the mascot is for a series of animations but virtually all of the targa sequences has to be re-aranged in Photoshop and export to Flash for the final actions because it will have to blend with other Flash animations and the limited file size restrictions. the lip synch consist of three shots and only one eye-blink, AM is the only 3D available to me and all I need to create everything in it. Pose slider is extremely useful apart from bone actions with intuitive constrains, just started to explore these tools. Version 11 has reached the level where I hope a 3D package should be and is my major 3D app leaving other polygon modeler for specific use. Bravo to Hash and thanks Rodney for the asistance, also other helpers especially the Hash fellows. Its an honour indeed.
  15. Here is my first animation for swf done in ver 10.5, any comment is welcome.
  16. This is the kind of model I want to build but could not achieve it by other 3D app. I have except AM, I tried the hair with polygon generator in Carara with plug-in but it came out looking like a bear or porcupine. I will spent more time in AM from now on, thank you for the inspiration!
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