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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by frankH

  1. Are there HASH Users in Berlin Germany? Like to group? Greetings Frank
  2. here´s the wireframe
  3. Hi all, like to show you a new model i´m working on. Happy about any kind of comment and suggestions. Greetings Frank
  4. i had that problem too, it seem to me that hash is -in the moment- not able to show changes in the stiffness in the opengl /directx mode. When you do a final render you can see the changes you did. At least that the way i sovled this problem in 11.0k. Greetings
  5. what about open his mouth a little bit, shake his head, let him squint, and let the tongue out a little bit.
  6. Nice Character, good story, but i think your Bubba look quite intelligent, the discription doesn´t fit the character by 100%. I think "while he is the youngest child of the clan the other ignore him, or hit him. This changed as a new character... ..." just my thought. Greetings Frank
  7. The ligthning is a realy easy part now. I always use a skylight rig i got from: http://www.shipbrook.com/jeff/animas/skylight/ Try it, you will love it. (Thanks Jeff!) Greetings
  8. Hi, here it is with the first version of col /bump and spec texture
  9. Hi all, like to show, what i´m doing in the moment. What do you think? Greetings Frank
  10. Hi all, hi Rodney, wow, your "A:M Digest " Cover is good work, but -sorry to ask- what is "A:M Digest". Is it a print magazine or an online magazine? I´m just busy building up an internet site for my town project. Called the "Laragach Project". It will include a wallpaper section, and a historical background. Meanwhile i like to send you another picture. Greetings Frank
  11. A view from the top
  12. another day, another pic. You can work real fast with animation master. Time to build and to light ca. 2hours
  13. Not a bad idea. A "Hash Wallpaper Download" Site. I try to ask them. Greetings Frank
  14. and a streetview for you. Using only Darktrees
  15. Hi all, here´s another one. It is a shame to convered it to black and white, but i will have to. Here it is in color. Btw: i was using darktree as material and enviorment map.
  16. Hi all, thanks for your mails. I´m sorry not to have the time to reply all your questions. I will wirte a "experience tutorial" after i finished the work. Meanwhile, a new picture of the town project. Greetings Frank
  17. Thank you all for your comments. It would be nice to make an animation of the city, a fly through, but i have no time in the moment. There are 20 Pictures planed for an exhibition and theres a lot to do. The exhibition starts at June 22, end first of August in Berlin. If you like, you can see a WIP of the next shot in the WIP Forum. "A question of fog" Greetings Frank
  18. Hi all, like to show a new town pic, this time as a wip. I have some problems getting the right fog view. Has someone has foggy expierence? greetings Frank
  19. Here´s another view (just for the atmosphere)
  20. Hi all, i´ve started a project to descripe a future town as they thought of it in the beginning of the 20th Century. Here´s the first complete Picture.
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