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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Stuart Rogers

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Posts posted by Stuart Rogers

  1. I subscribed to Zach's podcast with iTunes, but I only get the audio on playback (I've got QT v7.0.4). Am I missing something in the settings somewhere?
    Probably not - you're probably missing a codec, although that does seem unlikely as you have the latest version of QT. Have you tried downloading the movie file directly instead of using iTunes? That's what I did (I have QT 7.0 on a Mac) and had no problems.
  2. Speaking as someone who's too short of talent and material to able to put together his own showreel yet...


    I would put contact details on those opening credits.


    And then, follow that with a snappier opening shot than the one you have, something to really make you want to watch the rest. The one you have is a little slow, and it's not clear what the robot is doing, so it makes me wonder if the animator doesn't know either.


    Otherwise, there's some great stuff here. Not so sure about the moonwalking iPod ad (the the first one), although I do like all the others.

  3. Here is a quick render of what I have so far.


    The crunch needs to happen about 3 times as fast.

    Picky picky picky... Perhaps you should have the truck lift off it's driver-side wheels for a moment too, although maybe that won't show so much once you've speeded things up. The crumples on the CGI look good to me.
  4. I want to delete this patch in here, but it won't work!
    In A:M you don't delete patches per se - you simply prevent A:M from making them. The main rule is: a patch consists of three or four CPs that aren't all part of the same spline. If you modify your splines so that the four CPs you have selected in your image don't follow that rule, then the patch won't exist. One way to do this is to add at least one more CP to the ring of CPs.
  5. I'm thinking about buying A:M for a dinosaur movie I have in the works. Is this software good for that, and how hard would it be exactly.
    How hard it will be depends upon so many things. Your aptitude for learning this software, and your prior ability in animation, lighting, shading, etc., what kind of end result you'll be happy with, and so much more. Add to that your ability to write a good script/storyboard. Any idea how long a piece of string is, exactly?


    I've been playing with this software for years and have barely managed to get a mattress walking and talking, and a nondescript guy staring blankly into the corner of a room. In the meantime others have produced movies of unutterable grace and style. The software is a tool, and it can do fabulous things, but how good the results are depend on your abilities, and we don't know what they are yet, so we can't answer your question yet.

    PS: Dont show me the t-rex chasing a car video, ive seen it!
    Is that the quality you want?
  6. Added the Scarecrow for comparison, still a lot of ornamental stuff to do, but I'm done for the night...
    Looking good.

    Can I suggest tweaking Scarecrow's head texture such that it's not absolutely horizontal? I don't think scarecrows are generally made so exactly. (I realise Scarecrow's only here for show, but thought I should mention it.)

    Tinman's crown looks too thin with that cookie-cut. Maybe the technique Vern used on his cookie-cut fencing (i.e. adding a normal map) will help. (Again, I realise you've just started with this Tinman texturing...)

    Tinman's new eyebrows look good, and that beard makes him look more, um, kingly. Kingish? Kingoid?

  7. okay thats my 2c.
    Y2CMV ("Your Two Cents Might Vary")
    yeah, these days I doubt it's even worth 1.5c
    I can afford the inflation - I've only been in the USA a few days and I've already amassed a pile of pennies. <SFX: Clink of pennies being counted> Yup, 10c.
  8. QT is not PC friendly ....i remember back when i had Windows 98 and the freedown load of QT4 or something , killed my downloads of any file ....a QT logo would appear with a crack in it ...a uninstall fixed that problem ...
    You must have had a bad download, or some other problem. I used QT4 to QT6 (Pro and non-Pro) on a PC with no problems whatsoever. If your experience was the norm then QT on the PC would have died years ago.
  9. okay thats my 2c.
    Fair enough.

    The case I had in mind was a recent project of mine which had the camera very much acting as a point-of-view (as if the viewer was in the scene rather than seeing things from the most convenient angles). Once the initial action happened, I wanted the camera to move in a little closer, as the follow-on action wasn't taking up as much screen space as initial action. I didn't want to cut because it would spoil the POV approach. So, I zoomed in a little. The transition from utterly static to zooming in was quite noticeable, however gradual I made it - the transition brought the viewer's attention to the camera move rather than the action it was closing in on. By replacing the static view with a very, very slow movement allowed the zoom-in to occur without bringing attention to it.

    Y2CMV ("Your Two Cents Might Vary")

  10. always keep the camera moving.
    Gotta disagree with that ...

    Avoid camera movement unless it's motivated.

    Interesting points of view here. I find that keeping the camera static only works when the action remains perfectly framed throughout a shot. Should the action require movement, I find that the transition from static to moving extremely distracting. So, *my* rule of thumb is that if there's to be *any* camera movement within a shot, never let it start from or come to a complete stop. Keep it moving, but ever so slightly.
  11. To be honest, I never paste keyframes in channel mode. Always graph mode. I'm not even sure if you're supposed to.
    I do it all the time - I only go to graph mode when I want to tweak the motion curves. I did have a problem with pasting keyframes, which I reported and was fixed in a fairly recent version of 12.0 (12.0t?). I suggest if ArgleBargle sees this problem again, he should try the current version (12.0t?), and if it then persists, he should report it.
  12. and heres some More Ambient Occlusion (and some Compositing) goodness!.. Man you've got to love that hair in GI.
    Have you been tweaking that hair? It looks shaggier, a little less groomed, and certainly a lot better! (But I think you should add more to the crotch area - give the impression he has something significant to hide!)


    Also, can I suggest you add some scuff marks to the hoofs? At the moment they look too clean-cut. A demon of this maturity would have gained some serious footwear scuffs!


    (I hope this doesn't sound too picky - you've done a fine job on this guy!)

  13. That's odd. Have you *ever* been able to do this operation on this version of A:M? If not, check you have your graphics card drivers up to date - some similar problems over the years have been driver problems rather than A:M problems.

  14. Couple more changes... changed the eyes to have a glowing iris. Fixed the brow line, and added a fetlock joint to the legs.
    Looking good!


    I mistook the glowing iris at first - I took him not to have a glowing iris looking forward, but a dark iris looking hard right (spooky evil glance - I feel like I'm on the menu!) with an over-bright highlight.


    I'm not sure about that ridge running around his neck - it looks to me like he's actually wearing his chest. But as we've already established, I'm good at mis-reading images!

  15. I suspect that A:M will not actually break the light into different colors like a real prism would. Rainbow spectrums would probably need to be faked somehow.
    That's true. Marcel Bricman outlined a number of methods of faking it - see his web page and scan down the page to the "second method". It uses multipass while changing the "prism's" refractive index and colour within the same frame. The method works for animation - I've tried it. The settings he provides leaves the dispersed colours looking a bit muddy for my taste, but the principle is there.


    Don't expect the results to look like Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album art - that'll need different techniques.

  16. I understand what he means... Take the situation in which you have two splines, the endpoints of which are at the same CP. (For example, take a spline and extrude it into a grid - the corner CPs will be an example of the situation). Now draw another spline and attach one end to the corner CP. The spline will attach itself to, and merge with, one of the splines making up the corner - but can you tell in advance which spline it will attach to?

  17. There is a problem, however, with the rip in the decal on the 5 point patch on the corner of the fireplace opening. I've heard over and over again that decals don't like 5 point patches
    If you look carefully, there are rips along quite a few other splines, so this problem might be more general - it's just that the 5 point patch shows the effect more. This is a nice and simple example of the problem, so perhaps you should submit it to AM:Reports.
    but how can I get past this issue when its almost impossible to make a model without them? This is already impressive to me, but the rips kinda put a damper on my glee.
    For older versions of A:M I've had far worse problems with 5 point patches than what you have here, so while I would like to see these rips fixed, I'm happy that things have improved! (So... sorry, I have no solution for this.)
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