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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by KingSalami

  1. you're a funny bastard HeyVern, for the best of both worlds, I suggest painting a nipple on the top of your head, add glisten and voila'!


    As for writing and plot generation et al... Thanks for the link Vern, looks very interesting.


    As a side note, I am a big fan of Stephen King novels and stories. I read his "On Writing" and apparently he is against creating plots etc. He claims it is a perfect way to kill a good story. He just lets the story come to him as he writes it.


    Obviously this won't work for everyone, but "On Writing" is a quick read and entertaining, definitely worth checking out for a different view point.


    Word to your mommas...

    Bryan Brown

  2. how good are you at farming? Because that's what you need to render an A:M animation! :0


    Just don't use hair for christ's sake, you'll have to pull the power cord out of the wall to get back control of your PC.


    Plus, always save what you don't want to do over again! A:M has a way of lulling one into complaceny... and then BAM it's gone! You'll be so into modeling you'll wonder where in the hell A:M went. If your like me, you'll start looking under your keyboard, behind the monitor, under the mouse pad... A:M was just here where did it go?


    For real, take AMAR's adivice and get the fastest processor money can buy, then get at least a gig of ram, then the fancy video card, then an ass ripping stripped raid setup with ultra wide scsi, with the on board CRAY supercomputer controller.


    Oh yeah, get a job at a computer store as well so you can get this stuff for next to nothing.

  3. from what I have read, this performance comparison is only true for office type apps.


    For 3d and floating point calculations performance suffers compared to regular intel processors


    If you google some 3dmark tests of centrino notebooks compared to a regular P4 the results don't even compare, it appears the P4 (which will most likely have a signifcantly better video card paired with it) is about 10X as fast.


    Hope this helps

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