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Everything posted by pdaley

  1. I've also got netrender(10.5r) and two machines (maybe three if I take the dongle to work...). Since I've never been a part of a group project like this, I don't know why we couldn't render out or individual scenes and then send you the targas. Does anyone have any comments on the pros or cons of that approach? ZachBG (for clarity): I'll forward you the dining area set later this weekend. I'm thinking of replacing those darktrees with native textures to see if the render speed improves without losing the darktree quality. If I'm happy with it, then I'll send them along to anyone else that needs them. All The flythrough I left rendering overnight again. I decided to render out a larger size so we could see the scene a little better, but then it took 3 hrs to render 1 second. The flythrough is 6 seconds. You do the math, but my math says I'll put it up on monday. I'm having a lot of fun with this! Is anyone else having fun?
  2. No problem on the dishes. I was just going to add some random stuff like that scattered around the tables. I -might- try and see if I can get the effect we're going for using something renders a little faster than Simbiont. Speaking of rendering, how are we going to tackle that?
  3. The set is pretty low res. I'll make another version decal and material free and also minus the pipes and other small details. The bottles are definitely their own little models and can be manipulated easily. I'll get something packaged up and try and email it to you (or maybe put it on my ftp) later. One more thing for Gregg... How attached are you to those Simbiont textures?
  4. Well, I fully intended to sit down this morning and find a rendered flythrough. To my surprise, I did not. I won't say that A:M crashed on the night on me... I'll just say that it was running when I left and not running when I came back. So, I'll try re-rendering (to targas this time) and I'll get it posted later on. ZachBG: I think I'm nearly ready to hand this bad boy off. I've put little images on the screens around the scene, I made a grate-like texture for the floor, I re-arranged the tables to allow for more room and I put little squeeze bottles of ketchup and mustard on the tables (necessary condiments). Is there anything else you'd need me to model? Like I said, check back later for the flythrough...
  5. Yet Another This one has some more textures and another cheese added.
  6. flythrough, more stuff This is as much as I could do yesterday before I had to go to something else. Still working though...
  7. flythrough Take a whirl. There aren't many textures, but this is what I have so far .
  8. Gregg et al: Here is some progress on the dining area. I'll see if I can whip up a flythrough animation to render overnight...
  9. I'll review the tutorial on your site... No, I wouldn't say I'm stuck on hemet hair. I've never tried it before. I've done a -little- research and it seems that most people are preferring to go with hair plugins(native for us!) if they have them available over opacity mapped hair. I can see why. It's a pain to make even to make it look bad! Thanks, John.
  10. I would like some comments on this model. I am looking for any suggestions in general, but specifically on how to improve her hair. This is a helmet hair approach using opacity mapping. I'm not convinced that this appraoch is going to work. I might try to do v11 hair. pro or con anyone? Also, I used skycast for this clip. Any idea why her lips and face lose their specular highlights? You can run through the quicktime frame by frame and see different parts of her body in pretty good detail. I can always post more if there are specific questions... [url="http://www.3d-anim8or.com/movieplay.asp?moviename=matalie-flyaround"]Play[/url]
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