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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Robert

  1. I used C4D but looked for other apps. I tried the trial versions of 3Dmax and ac3d , the free packages ppmodeler, wings3d, anim8or and blender (no 3ds export), but there are some more on the market. Wings3d can convert 3ds to A:M mdl files but can`t export UV maps, anim8or is the best free program I tried. Yes I`m interested in converting models for use in AM but I think the problem always would be the high patch density of the polygon models.
  2. Thanks for compliments. Look here for another example to combine AM models with Polygon models. With Prop Objects (thanks to Hash) there are endless possibilities to combine spline and polygon models without import the (terrible ) polygons as dx- or 3ds-files with the high patch density. Prop objects render fast and the behavier is like mdl files (with some restriction e.g. no alpha rendering is possible and some materials doesn`t work at this time )
  3. Yes, the car is a polygon porsche from 3dcafe.com. Seats and shaggy are A:M objects. You can find my tutorial here Here another more complicated model with UV maps. The first moving test. The character is modeled in AM, the car is a polygon 3ds model. TEST There are a lot of possibilities to combine AM models with polygonmodels.
  4. Here some movieclips out of my tutorial "animation of 3ds models"
  5. Animation of a technical 3ds Polygon Model in A:M? No problem with “Prop- Objects” and “Roberts Trick” Look at the video tutorial here A short description how to do it with a car: 1. Separate your favorite 3ds polygon car in a 3D polygon modeller program into moveable (2 front wheels, back wheels, steering wheel ) and unmoveable parts (body/chassis). There are a lot of free polygon modeller on the market. 2. Import all these parts as Prop-Objects into A:M. Drag and drop the parts into a new choreography. 3. Now Roberts Trick: Create an empty model (call it Car Bones). Go into Bone Mode and create a Skeleton for the moveable parts. Use Side and Top View of your car to position the bones. 4. Drag these Car Bones Model into the Choreography and constrain all the moveable 3ds Prop Objects to the Bones of your Car Bones Skeleton. Most work is done now! You only have to create a pose for your Care Bones Model to get a fully constrained car. Drag your A:M object (e.g. seats, characters) into the choreography and constrain it to the Model Bone. RESTRICTION: A:M doesn`t like any material at this time e.g. glass and chrome. Delete these materials in your 3D modeller. Since A:M v11 you can apply materials on Prop Objects (Gray Metal from the CD doesn`t work, I don`t know why.) A:M often doesn’t like reflection materials with environment maps. Delete the images from the material. If you run in troubles first look at the materials !!!! Please excuse my bad english.
  6. Thank`s Zach, I`ll pass it
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