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genius loci

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  1. Zaryin I just LOVE the bellybutton. Why didn't I ever think of that for mine. Do you mind if I remodel a bit? I wonder what kind of bellybutton I should have though... Anyhow - I also was inspired by your demons knees to add resolution and wrinkle his knees up but they haven't picked out too well in my final render. (No materials added yet) [attachmentid=12081]
  2. Well............ that calls for a movie file I think? How long before you can upload one?
  3. Simple patch-colour test. I've tweaked his tail longer and redone the legs and feet. His face has had some further remodelling around the mouth. This is my proposed last remodelling tweak before I start texturing and surfacing. Question - is there a surface that I could create that is dependant on the proximity of the camera? I'd like him to be sort of "Hellboy" rubbery but for the scaling, bumps and texture to only really be discernable as his bits get close to the camera. Oh yes, image.. nearly forgot! [attachmentid=11995]
  4. I really like the style. Nice! The characters have real erm... character!
  5. That's a really nice piece of film - my big crit however is that the hercules seems to lift off without the tilt backwards you often see in airplanes. All the wheels lift off at the same time?
  6. I always LOVED the corsair, thanks for pulling out that pic. As for your design it's looking really good. However (there's always one isn't there) I think the shortened bonnet loses the grace that bothe the Corvette and the Corsair had. It looks too "stumpy" at present (IMHO) but I'd love to see updates on ANYTHING based on a Corsair (drooool)
  7. [attachmentid=11543] Omigosh I can attach images again. Tweaked his ears on both sides now, redone his feet and legs (had to work on his butt as a consequence but not got round to the tail yet. (Still unsure of that - but maybe better let others decide)
  8. arkaos, those are really nice wings! thanks for the offer Wasn't fear of modelling them - it was the stylistic choice. I never saw him with wings. HOWEVER I do like the idea of stubby little ones that wouldn't help him fly. Anyhow, here's the latest on the ears. Haven't had much time to spare this weekend though so I'll do some more tonight. Again, feedback would be much appreciated.[attachmentid=11493]
  9. Thanks Steve, I'm reworking the ears as you suggest right now. If I was more of an animator I'd have lengthened his tail - I'll give that a go and see what you think. Bat wings...? you're killing me!
  10. Hi, having read and seen the London user group thread I just wondered if there was a Northern User Group as (obviously) I'm oop North. <kricket kricket>
  11. Thanks a lot for the comments! If I do anything with it it'll be posed images and nothing else. I'm not the animator I hoped I'd be once. Would love to do a comic or picture storybook though - but that depends on time. However - here's what the previous head looked like before I decided it wasn't demonic enough. [attachmentid=11300] Apologies again if it doesn't upload.
  12. Hi agep, very good! He's actually got an old mesh as his starting point - a little baby-ape model (I haven't got an image to upload today) and I kept the "popeye" forearms and remade the feet as the originals were even more apelike. trajcedrv, I will revisit the legs and feet and see what comes up. the original model was for experimenting with v8.5 and v11 fur whereas this little guy is meant to be textured rather than furry. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.
  13. Hope the attachement uploads....... please forgive me if it doesn't as this is my first attempt on this forum. [attachmentid=11245] I am using Roger Reynolds surface settings to check the surface for problems. This was modelled in 8.5 and then have started tweaking with the 2004 version of v11. Once again, I am really sorry if I wasted your time and the attachement didn't load. Opinions and feedback would be appreciated.
  14. Great tip! I'm looking now at the horrors that before where unseen on my model.
  15. very very funny, very simple character and it show just how far I have to go... thanks for sharing!
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