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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by JackMcRip

  1. @KenH: its the same mesh after export. Groups=Off and Merge=ON


    @Robcat: It's looking good, but I must find a way to make only 4point-patches. this is the only way to make fine displacements and keep in the texture at all patches.

  2. This is my first import-test from zbrush.

    The model is modeling with szpheres in zbrush.

    Then i divide by 2, make adaptive Skin and export.


    After import with obj-import-Plugin (thanks for this wonderfull plugin),

    On every point where add a sphere there was 4 cp-connecting-points that have more than 4 splines.

    This point can't look smooth ...


    I want to optimise the mesh and export to zbrush to texturing and bumpmapping, and displacement-mapping.


    This pic show the import model in A:M


    1. what is the best way to make smooth this point?

    2. when i import a:m ask to modelname.bmp, can i use this later complete for decaling? I have make a image with photoshop and give it as decal. Is this ok?


  3. Hi,


    Thanks for all your infos about ZBrush ...


    I have buy ZBrush2 now. (€470)

    I hope it works so good with A:M like sounds in this thread ;)



    I have very low time to test it.

    But first 2Hours test show me it's is another world to model in ZBrush.

    When Obj-Export better supports to 5PointPatches and Hooks, and A:M supports better Displacementmaps on all Patches, i don't need to model the basic-object in ZBrush.


    When i export A:M-Object to .AVA all hooks are connect to the next cp.

    Are there no problems after export in obj decaling in ZBrush and import in A:M ???

    I want to use the decals from ZBrush at the model with hooks and 5PoinPatches again. A:M need this Patches to have smooth wire!


    Define a basic modeling with a pen is great :-)

    Please let me know more about A:M and Zbrush teamwork ...

    Have new pics, that show results?

  4. @Yoda: Yess, there is a Shortcut Light 1(3). Shown is Light13 in Renderpanel while rendering.


    I destroy the Projectfile because there was other problems with it, too. There i can't use Klieg-lights. I don't have made the file by myself.

  5. I have load a project with many lights.

    As A:M render is show what is now working on:

    Rendering Shadows - Light32 0:03:21

    Rendering Shadows - Rim1 0:02:01

    Rendering Shadows - Light13 0:28:15


    I want to change settings of Light13.

    How can i find what light is Light 13?

    In the project is no light with name: "Light13".


    Are the lights numbered when render?

    Numbered the Shortcuts?

  6. @John:

    is it right, that i only would apply a new decal to a modell that imported as .obj from ZBrush and then change the image?

    Is uvs-texturcoordinates evertime the same at one model, or can it be different?

    There is no problem to apply later the zbrush-textures exactly at the model after imported in a:m.


    In Zbrush2 you can change the resolution of a mesh when you are modeling. Same as in a:m with UP and DOWN keys.

    Can you affect the export resolution of the model when you export in .obj?

  7. I'm very interested to buy ZBrush2 !!!

    I have to to modeling in ZBrush, its famouse! :D

    I have try to import ZBRush-Objects from the ZBrush-Website into A:M.

    It's looking very good.

    Some Splines will be change into hooks or fivepointpatches by hand.


    I will make a model complete in Zbrush and want to import it in A:M to animate with Weightmover & TSM. Have someone try to animate a splinewire that was generated by Zbrush?


    What is with the Decals on the model?

    When i change some splines after import, the decals will lost at this Patches?!

    How can i apply new and exactly to looking smooth with other patches?


    What is your amount about ZBrush and A:M ?

    Would I give ZBrush a try? A try for $489 ???


    Is it good to use a lowpolygon exported ZBrush-Object to make animation in A:M and change later into a better higher polygon exported ZBrush-Object. Mean the lowpolygon import as .obj in A:M as Splines and high-polygon, too!

  8. Now i rendered a anmiation without Multipass!

    Frame 1 is looking good ...

    Frame 2 looks like the Multipassproblem :-(


    Is here nobody who has the same problem?

    Motionblur is OFF

  9. have anyone else problems, when hair is in shadow?

    When rendering with multipass the hair becomes not dark from the shadow :-(

    What is wrong?

    When i render it without multipass shadow is right !!!

  10. Sounds very good !

    There is no demo ZBrush 2.0 :-(


    Is ZBrush realy a tool, that works fine with A:M ???

    Or better use the fine UV-Editor ?


    You have try to modify Models from A:M in ZBrush by zbrush-modeling-tools ?

  11. WOW


    Really Quads, no trinaglepolys.

    I don't know many about, im/exporting.

    I try something and all my Problems was when i want to import a model with triangle-polygons...


    I'm very interested about Wireframes, that was modified by ZBrush.


    I'm looking at the zBrush-Website and found this image:



    There are triangle-Polygons!

    Is it only because divide poly???

  12. yess,


    i remember. In the first days i setting to HT=ON.

    You say Render is not faster when disable ...

    And Workflow?


    Is there anywhere a speed differece between HT=ON and HT=OFF ???

    CPU shown 50%. Is it real only 50% or Windows simulate 50% of one Processor and use it so good it can. In the real is more?

  13. I have a Intel Pentium HT.

    In the Taskmanager shown, that A:M never use more than 50 percent of CPU-Power.

    When i make hardcore prozess with A:M the CPU-Use is only 50% :-(


    How can i get the full Power to A:M?

    I have a 3Ghz HT. Is it now 1.5Ghz only for A:M ???

  14. the plugin see the spline and delete every second point. Then set the deletes points to the new spline. So it is smooth.

    When the change is to much, you can say you want 50% effect.

    Ist was easy say - but much more matimatical !


    No gamma and alpha - changing !


    Please try ;-)

  15. thanks for the hint.

    I looking for and found a list with round about 159000 Words.




    I trying again for make my own .dic file, only to set my letters faster :-)

    I found this way:

    a /a/

    A /A/

    b /b/

    B /B/

    c /c/

    C /C/

    d /d/

    D /D/

    e /e/

    E /E/

    f /f/

    F /F/

    g /g/

    G /G/

    h /h/

    H /H/

    i /i/

    I /I/

    j /j/

    J /J/

    k /k/

    K /K/

    l /l/

    L /L/

    m /m/

    M /M/

    n /n/

    N /N/

    o /o/

    O /O/

    p /p/

    P /P/

    q /q/

    Q /Q/

    r /r/

    R /R/

    s /s/

    S /S/

    t /t/

    T /T/

    u /u/

    U /U/

    v /v/

    V /V/

    w /w/

    W /W/

    x /x/

    X /X/

    y /y/

    Y /Y/

    z /z/

    Z /Z/

    this is a file that is accept by A:M


    But all words i must write in sound-letters.

    And I must write with Space between every letter:

    love = "l o v" in german: liebe ="l i b e"

    Bad is, that the translated dope sheet is a word for every letter :-(

    Is there another, better way ?

  16. I want only to make the alphabet in this .dic-file.

    So i write later lettersound in in the "Dope Sheet".

    So A:M only read the .dic file and look for every letter wich pose a:m need.


    Is it possible ?

    Or >>must<< I make a complete list with all >>words<<?

  17. thanks for your hint ;)


    I had read the tutorial of handbook before, and make a Sequenque with lipsynch.

    It's easy to use Dope-Sheets with english words.



    My problem is when i will make a german lipp-synch is not so easy!

    Allways A:M say "No match found..."


    I want use "Dope Sheets" for german words too :-)

    I don't know how ...


    It is so easy to write a word and see that the A:M set the Poses-Actions ...

    Is it possible to make a dictionary-file what translate only the words in the letters.

    The easiest simple Way.


    @Iham Wrong:

    You write, that is easy to make a dictionary without language problems.

    !Please let me see a short example of an selfmade dictionary-file.

    Only with three or four letters to set in poses ...

    Thanks in advance !

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