sprockets Learn to create your own tool bars! Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine!
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by thefreshestever

  1. thanks :)

    Most excellent! Wonderful flow, editing, stylization, excellent cinematography, camera angles. Especially fascinated by the water, lava, special effects, etc, especially since they look purposely and well composed and under artistic control! (how did you do them?)


    nancy, the 2 scenes with the waves at the end are made with a rig a little bit similar to our ocean rig, fractal noise patterns drive the deformation of the mesh. one can adjust several parameters, noise types etc and then animate a controller to control the flow of the wave.


    the lava and some other water scenes (everywhere the liquid has to interact with geometry) are liquid simulations, they take a lot of tinkering until the behaviour fits ones needs.

    the smoke and most other fx are simple particle systems. the mist is just volumetric lights with fractal noise patterns.


    rodney, go ahead and "ape" as much as you want, i didn´t invent cinematic jungles either ;)

  2. in case some of you have been wondering what i was doing over the last 6 months:




    some of you might have already seen this on facebook.


    it´s not made with a:m (although it could have been), so i´m posting this in the off-topic section.

    rodney, if this is a problem, simply please delete this post.i just wanted to share it with the people who taught me the ropes of 3D.


    i hope you´ll like it.

  3. bravo... i love the lighting and almost everything else... great job!


    for future projects you should consider rendering depth maps and adding DOF in post, a:m´s built in DOF needs way too much passes to get smooth or even smooth-ish... a smooth DOF blur would make your stop motion look even more believable. i guess i said something similar before in a comment about your previous project, but that was really the only thing that bothered my eye, so i had to say it again ;)

    • ____ 1
  4. you´re right, you suck at this :P


    i did a quick fix, i don´t have the time to redo them completely right now...


    it´s mostly about the spacing, sizes and arrangement. you don´t need a 12pt font size on a post card, this will look like page of a childrens book. i reduced it to 10 pt, that´s still too big though IMO...


    don´t use so much colors for headlines and stuff, that kind of stuff starts to look cheap very quickly. also try to leave much more space between elements, and more space to the edges, it doesn´t need to look squeezed in if you have that little information on it.





  5. Every newbie wants to make a walking teddybear! How to get a newbie to make a walking teddybear on first try! And a walking and talking teddybear! It is up to AM to make that! A character program - based on AM - but without the difficulties to master in AM. The walking and talking Animation Master for the newbies - every schoolkid can master it - not only the advanced master-esses like Nancy.


    Perhaps time to rethink AM? Give AM a new start - the AMB!!! The B-plane!


    Animation Master Bear - AMB....


    that´s not what a:m is for, if you want a software that any school kid can master, you should download iTeddy or something like that. ;) any app that gives you the freedom of creativity will require some effort from your side, and a:m is one of the most easy to learn 3D packages. there are plenty of tutorials out there that will show you how to model, texture and rig a character.

  6. it´s that time of the year, on wednesday starts the prolight & sound exhibition in frankfurt and i made an animation with the cameo mascot.


    this year it was extra fun for me since the theme was led-bars, and i had the idea of using an led-bar as a light saber.

    i rendered 4 passes, one for the color with shadows, ao, reflections and everything, one for the shadow, one for the depth map and one for the alpha channel.


    the bridge was made in c4d, exported as an obj and loaded in after effects into element 3D and repeated endlessly, the actual 3D object is just a short segment. this saved a lot of render time and animation time, since i could animate the character in a:m in place and the AO didn´t have to calculate that long. everything else, background, laser beams, explosions, steam was made in after effects.


    i hope you´ll like it:




  7. Adobe managed to get there and now they basically have all their customers at gunpoint.


    Heh. There are so many things wrong with that view I won't even try to convince you otherwise.

    Adobe has lots of competition but consumers (in the guise of customers) have defined the conditions of the marketplace by consistently holding a gun to their own head saying,"more features... new tech... better quality... now... free... or else".


    Oh, I forgot, corporate monopolies are peachy keen!


    Yes, I should be saying how much I love Adobe for buying Aldus and Macromedia and discontinuing some of the applications I spent years learning. And you know what, I can't tell you how happy I am that I spent years becoming a master of Quark Xpress only to have Adobe force them out by bundling InDesign as part of the Creative Suite.


    I love, too, that I can't get a job in the industry without knowing and being up to date on Adobe's applications.


    Yesiree, bob! My viewpoint that Adobe has their customers at gunpoint is clearly wrong wrong wrong (plus bunches of other wrongs, too many to count.)


    Yes, when I say, "Hey Adobe, I'd love to buy the three apps I need to be up to date on so that I can get an agency job!" I LOVE it when Adobe says, "no can do, you have to buy ALL of our apps!" I say, "But I don't need or want those other apps," and they say, "Tough, kid. We own the industry. Take it or leave it."


    Yep, that's not like having their customers at gunpoint at all.


    you´re absolutely right. there´s no way for a professional graphic designer to get around adobe. in total they are not completely free of competition, but for a certain rather big customer group they are. i´m curious when they will get into 3D, and which package they will buy.


    i hope maxon will stay independent, i´m really enjoying c4d, and i´m really glad i didn´t switch to some autodesk product. my condolences to all SI users, this must really suck.

  8. some of might have seen this before, i posted it also on facebook a few weeks ago.


    this is the most amazing piece of animation i´ve ever seen. i did some research on how he did this, i also watched it like a hundred times frame by frame, turns out he just animated every single object in there, no effects and stuff, which makes it even more impressive.


    sit back and enjoy:



  9. here´s a thread on the mac-issue, this will clear things up for you i guess...


    mac / mavericks issue


    since v18 the open/save dialogue can be cancelled with cmd-Q, before you had to hide a:m and then go back to it, to make the dialogue box active again.

    sometimes you have to try to get the dialogue box working several times, before it actually does. this is quite annoying, but apparently there is no easy fix for that.

    i think the reason might be stated in the thread above.


    a:m always worked full screen and hid the dock, that´s just something you´ll have to get used to. but the dock is still available, just move your mouse to the very bottom (or right, or left, depending on where your dock is), and it´ll show up ;)

  10. that´s very cool! B)


    i often had the same problem rodney has, feeling the need to adjust some geometry and bones after i´ve rigged a character. sometimes you just notice this stuff during the actual animation process when your character is completely rigged and weighted, and you don´t want to go back to your installation version and redo all the finetuning again. (i know the correct way would be to do all the finetuning before actually exporting the model, but some things always tend to slip my mind ;) ).

    i mostly ended up adjusting the gemoetry bones, the control bones and any other bone involved in the ready rigged model, and this can easily end up in a nightmare before everything works as expected again, if you have no clue what you´re doing. that´s what i miss the most in a:m´s rigging process, the ability to adjust proportions and bone placements in the ready rigged model without having to adjust a bunch of bones, eventually reset relationships and so on.


    in some other apps you have the ability to switch to adjust-mode, where you only have to move some simple controllers to adjust the proportions of your rig, and all the related bones and setups automatically adjust to that...


    so here´s my thought: it would be cool to have some controller-nulls in a hidden folder which you could unhide, adjust, hit an update button of some sort, and all the bones and those related to them move in the correct newly defined place. no going back to the installation version, no need to re-export... this would also be great for making differently proportioned versions of one character (for instance for populating a scene background or something like that) without having to re-rig and re-weight...

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