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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by AMkyle

  1. what do you mean by right click in a model window
  2. I forgot how to add a text model into an animation, could someone show me how? like how to have words in the animation
  3. Im working on a project, and i came across something that I thought I knew. Well it turns out i didnt. Whats going on is shaggy is picking up a bucket, but i cannot figure out how to keep the bucket handle in the same position in his hand with using contraints. heres whats going on and what contraint i used.
  4. alright so i got the 2008, and started looking at the instructions, and i was confused on the bone stuff, like rotate the white bone, scale the white bone, i really dont quite understand.
  5. where do you find the 2008 rig? also about the dragging, i dont exactly want to turn it to just rotating, it just kind of confuses me because sometimes i accidentally grab the base of the bone ahead of the bone i want to grab. and with the premade characters that come with hash, its impossible to grab the base of the bones, it automatically will go to the tip of the bone behind the one
  6. sorry for the double post, but i just really need this question answered. Is there anyway to turn off the dragging of bones? because it seems like the characters that come with AM, you cant drag out their bones. if you select the base of one bone, it will automatically select the tip of the bone thats right below it. with the jeww lew green dude, you can actually grab the base of the bones and pull them out, which as well, grabs all the splines attached to em and takes em with the bone, like shown in the picture earlier
  7. Alright so i have this problem. i was messing around in choreography and checking some stuff. So anyways i had an idea, so i used thom for it made him walk all the way to the camera, and then i wanted to animate him knocking on the camera. but one big problem, after he did the action, at 00:20:00 i keyframed it, and brought him to a stand. but it affected the whole action because after i put him to a stand at 00:20:05 i brought the arms down and moved one leg. then when i played through the whole thing he waled all the way, but his arms werent moving and neither was one leg. How can i fix this, and how can i put in an action and then animate in choreography after it.
  8. Then why, a day later, are you still dragging those bones? well, ill try to squeeze my war around that, it just is a bit annoying, one thing i noticed is that the characters pre-made for AM you cant drag the bones, like if you click on the base of a bone, it selects the tip of the one behind it automatically to avoid dragging bones. is there any way i can turn off something so i wont drag bones. Also i found out how to make the contraining work in choreography and stuff, so im good. thanks for the other help guys, its really nice to have a lot of people happy to answer some questions. Also robcat when you mentioned that jefflew has a section in his video where he shows how to use those characters, what part is that?
  9. ok ok, yeah just kinda tired, i know what importing is and where it was, wasnt thinking. anyways i imported the contraints to this guy, and now i can open it up and have the foot targets work, and the other targets.. Anyways, i got a couple of problems. the only way i can open up that green dude model with the contraints working correctly, i cant save it as a model, only an action . so basically meaning, i cant just drag and drop this character with the bones working correctly from the contraints file into a choreography, so the only way i can animate this guy is making actually i dont even think i can animate him at all. the only way i can move his bones correctly is if i double click on the action that has the contraints for this guy to work, but basically, that makes you edit it, not make a new action kinda. so im not able to animate him. also the other problem i got is that when i click on some certain bones, i grab that part of the model and pull it. So like whats happening is like, well, im grabbing the base of the bone in front of the bone i want to grab and i basically am editing where the bones are, as well as moving the splines to follow the bones As shown here With my first problem though is maybe im not importing it, i think i tried importing it, but i couldnt see it to import into my guy as shown here, so i think i opened it using that model instead of importing it into the model?? im not sure if im correct heres a picture of when i open import and im in the file BUT THE CONTRAINTS dont show up. also, it might be that im importing the wrong thing because when i go to <file> <import> it comes up with a list saying: model, lighting dxt blah blah something like that. and some other things. i looked at all of them and with each one, the contraints action still wouldnt show up!!!
  10. I sense a mistake right there. You rotate arm bones, you dont' grab them and move them to new locations. Always use the rotate manipulators for bones, don't drag the tip around. Jeff Lew uses an old technique for adding constraints to a character. Remember to import the action that came with the character and drop that on the character in the chor. When I do that, that character works fine. well alright, the rotate thing i get, but how do i Import the action.
  11. So anyways for christmas i got these Jeff Lew Animation video's. and the last one is a tutorial. So i found where to get the character i needed for the tutorial and downloaded him and tried him on AM. He has a skeleton, but when i try to animate with him, a lot of points dont work, like the foot targets and the hip targets . also certain parts of him when you move it just pulls the part off of him, like if you grab a certain arm bome, the arm just comes right off of the character. Is it possible that im not downloading it right, and im missing something. If any of you know whats going on, heres the link to where you download the guy Name: green dude. http://jefflew.com/DVD_support.html
  12. thanks very much, now to start on the making a face excersise
  13. Sorry for the double post, but i just figured something out. when i rendered it most of it would dissapear, exept for the part in the very front, touching his neck. i guess i could try decaling again. EDITED::::::::":::::"::::::::::"::::::::::::"::::::::::::":::::::::::":::::::::::::::":::::::::::::::":::::::::::::":::::::::::::"::::::::::: Alright, fixed it up as much as i could, fixed the front chest. im guessing its just something thats not letting it show up unrendered, anyways heres a picture of it finished>!!!!!
  14. actually, yes i could see them before i switched. Alright ill try it, but one other thing, how can i update my graphics card driver EDIT: ok, so anyways i tried that switch thing again, and it worked. So i tried decaling it and weird things happened This photo is of the giraffe decaled, i put the decal completely over the model, and then theres some spots still showing up white, in the middle of the model?!?!?
  15. well, i dont know, i used to be able to see the scaling box from the right side view, but now i cant, and its really annoying. is there anything i can do the fix this
  16. Well, anyways, a pat on the back for me, i got the tail, ears and horns done, they still look a tad bit like there coming from inside, but still pretty good. Now the decals Got a huge huge huge problem. I can't scale the decal!!!. I got a photo here of views here. I cant scale the decal from certain sides and this just sucks because, well, you know, i wont be able to size it properly. Anyways in this photo it shows 2 views, back view and side view. From side view (and front top and other side view and bottom) i cant see that yellow scaling box, but from the back view i can see it. One other thing. my scaling box looks weird. it doesnt have those small points on th corners, top, bottom and sides to scale em. they're invisible, like i can grab em, but cant see em. Hope you can help guys =)
  17. alright, so thanks for the help and small tutorial caroline, im going to give that a shot, but one thing, how could i copy it to both sides?.
  18. Ok, im almost done with the giraffe tut, anyways, im completely stuck on making the ears and horns. I tried making seperate horns, but, it just looked like it went through it, it didnt look like it was part of it, How in worlds name am i suppose to make these ears and horns, im not sure how to make enough control points around it to connect, without messing up the whole head.
  19. Alright, so anyways, im still working on the fighter modeling tutorial, and im coming across a really anooying problem. I cant see the scaling box, i did before a second ago, when i decaled the left side, but then i made the decal again and i cant scale it at all. any help please? this is a photo of the decal thats showing, if i put my mouse on it, yes i can move it, but i cant scale it. Edit: alright i was messing around a bit and it seems i can see the scaling box, on the left view (numpad 4) but not on the right side (numpad 6). also on numpad 4 i cant exactly see the little control points on the scaling box, and the only was i can scale it is from the corners. i cant scale from the sides or tops
  20. well this video card hasnt ever ben replaced, i only got this laptop a year ago Ok, im not sure how to quote in an edit, and i dont want to bump, but what caroline said about switching the 3d/ hardtime, whatever it was. PERFECT, thanks soo much. if this problem occucrs again, ill let you guys know. thanks again.
  21. sorry for this bump but this is kind of important. anyways what Caroline said about the customization thing. I looked, and i checked how my CP's would look like, it said selected (green) and unselected (red) but, whats weird is its not showing up that way, its showing up black control points selected or not selected. Heres a photo of an example but whats also weird is when i hold the left mouse button and make a box, the CP's will turn red (unselected) and green (selected), and even if i makre the box off of the model it still turns red and green, but if i click on a control point in the model, it will turn black again. as shown here and a werid thing again, now even if i make a box now, they still stay black, and if a rotated it (which used to make it colored until i put it into front, side, top, bottom view etc...) now doesnt make it colored
  22. yes alright awswome, thanks for letting me know
  23. ok, so should i just edit him in the model? and shrink it?
  24. Alright so anyways, on the characters, when im trying to move their bones, or pose em, on choreography, there is this huge bone at their feet getting in the way. I saw it a while ago, then didnt see it, and now im seeing it again. Heres a picture of it do you see that large black bone right at his feet, it is really blocking the view from bottom view, side views, top view, birds eye, and even camera view. and if i accidentally click on it, it rotates my whole character. Can anyone lend me a hand?
  25. alright, awsome, thanks for the help
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