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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by carterhawk001

  1. HI, i am looking to create objects for There Inc, but going from AM to 3DS to GMAX is rather ugly, is there a plugin for GMAX that will import an AM *.MDL file??

  2. Heads, bodys, legs and torsos, all beyond me!

    I am looking for a GOOD tutorial on modeling a head in A:M, if you know of one post the link, LOTS OF PICTURES, or a VIDEO preferred.

    And i realy need a link to a tutorial you have used or written, and not a link to a generic tutorial site. I know what i want to do, but my skills are below that.

    thankyou for any help and advice you can offer.

  3. Clicky!


    Made this for an image contest, its simple, but it REALY REALY captures the core of the contest theme. I'll let you know if I win anything


    All Hail The Cones!


    PS> Shameless Plug: Go Play My New Favorite Game, URU! It is the newest game in the Myst series, and is the reason this cone exists.

  4. Okay, its reflective,glows under light, and scatters light. You know, like a traffic cone's white bands, or the backs of running shows, for visibility. anyways, here is my attempt, if you have a good idea about how to do it, let me know!



    Rough=2 - 4

    Rough_Scale=0.1 - 0.5

    radiance= 15 - 60



  5. I remember when I first started using A:M I would do the same thing. The reason I did it was I new how the materials worked in Bryce and it was easier to make a good sky in Bryce


    There you have it, thats just the reason why.


    The Pieces shouldnt fit the scene, they should stand out from it, I wanted to show off the peices themselves, the envronment shouldnt draw away from the peices.

  6. go to the offtopic section, and vote for your age group on the shiny new poll, [b]There are over 1,000 registered users[/b], and the poll wont mean didley if the vast majority are oblivious to the fact that this poll even exists! [url="http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2235"]Vote!![/url] [color=blue]And remember, it is anonymous......[/color]

  7. I am hoping that those of you with experience can share some wisdom in the fine art of texturing a model, i can probably handle the decaling well, but the actualy process of getting a half-decent texture using photoshop eludes me. I am trying to do a reptile look, sort of monster-ish

  8. Okay, anyone know how to create directional lighting in A:M. I want to mak a small glowing light, that can't shine backwards or through any patches. I have tried setting surface options, but to no avail, the option for [b]glow[/b] is not working out, as the surface that makes the glow is too high contrast with the rest of the area. Idealy, i'd like to just use lights. Oh, and any advice on smoothing his skin would be awsome, as he is kinda lumpy [url="http://www.tempus3d.co.nr/GlowTest.gif"]GlowTest[/url] example of what i need help with, edited in photoshop, NOTE: the light need not follow the curve of the flaps, just come from under the flap. Any help would be appreciated. :huh: BTW--I already tried the ARM :huh:

  9. Okay, I need some help here, what I want to do is make the area under the flaps glow red, and i am not sure about how to do it. Should i use a light, or is there a way to make a surface give off light?? the glow doesnt really have to follow the curve of the flaps, just appear to come from underneath it.


    Edited in Photoshop


  10. the bullets look awesome, definently a good trail effect!


    cool flowers, maybe you could add one more, partialy hidden by the snowman?

    have you tried adding glowing eyes to the figue in the back, red and glowy, kinda like in warcraft 3, like how the eyes of that one demon glow with power. :)

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