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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Cross

  1. Are you sure you don't live in Tokyo? You've got that Japanese style down pretty good. How about some bright colors for the armour? Shouldn't he have some kind of face or at least eyes? Make them glow. Background - Tokyo skyshot. Are those appendages on his hips holsters?


    Thanks XD but yeah, i live in washington :D For the colors, i wanted the Flame of the guns to show up the most in the shot. For the Face, He has Eyes, and a Face. Here they are circled... but yeah, i could make them more promonant, a nice red glow would work. I'll work on the background, but that's going to take some serious time, although i LOVE the idea. The appendages on the hips, never thought of it that way... his guns are Megaman style, completely attached but he has hands that can protrude from either. Thanks for the idea!


  2. I figured out what i was doing wrong, not so much a question anymore as a show and tell. I'm using a material where i have half of the object transparent, created with a Combination of two gradients. One of which has 100% transperancy the other being 100% opaque. Here's an example of it in action.


    <<<<<(EDIT) I figured out how to fix the falloff on the burn effect so that it does not apply the orange flame to the entire object, but only the scorching part, Check it out. The buster of the armor's weapon used to be completely orange, but now has a crumbled rocky look that i ahd originally.>>>>> :rolleyes:








  3. I think the shot needs to have more time on the explosion. Normally when people see explosions, they tend to look at them for a bit longer than half a second. As far as the explosion is concerned, have you considered rendering out an explosion, and applying it as a different layer floating out in space? It will most likely be faster, and your explosion is not going to change much from your point of view.


    I'll try it... worth a shot, but these systems just dont have the capability to render explosions at ALL. I'll have to do teh shots with explosions at home... for now, i'll just use sounds. As for the length of the aftershock of the explosion, i'll extend that now, thanks!

  4. Because the render time was TRIPLED when i added explosions, im opting to just have a sound in the distance that the Marine (the one holding the camera) will pan to look at, startled and then look at the chief and call to him ("What the hell was that?") later, i'll have the chief look back at the bridge and hold out his hand "I need a gun." and have hands with a rocket launcher come from the perspective of the camera. The Chief will prime the rocket launcher and sling it over his shoulder to end the scene.


    I have this up to the point of the Chief turning to answer the marine. No sound yet.


    View the Second post, the first one was corrupted.



  5. Cross


    To get a blue explosion you just have to adjust the colors setting of each of the sprites they are set to change color over time you would just have to make it turn blue instead of orange....you adjust the curve for the rgb colors in the sprite material area not in the chor...here is a quick hatchet job I did wit the sample I posted






    its small to rush it through but you get the idea.. if you get stuck just ask


    Yeah, i just went through last night and i figured it out. I thought originally it was the sprites that were red but i found out how it works, thanks! I'll post the new movie once it renders.

  6. Cross it was hard to see but looked interesting.. I assume you will adjust the lighting with the explosion. Better then my $1.98 sample


    XD yeah... i've had major issues with our systems supporting my crazy lighting expectations... I actually have a ton of lights... all turned off right now so that i can render them later at home. But yes, i'm working on that, definately. It's just been a dream of mine to make a AMV from SCRATCH of Halo2

  7. its the quicktime file, what one should i upload? I mean, i tried the AVI and it didnt work, and now this one wont... i'm confused, let me try to render it differently.
    QuickTime is fine, but it looks like your file is corrupted or something.. its only 32bytes in size


    My qtpro on windows xp was unable to open it....


    Yeah, this is REALLY strange, I've rendered it a few times and still nothing. Once the render is complete, and i scrub throught it, theres nothing, just a blue screen. I'm wondering if i messed up a setting or something because the AVI is perfect, but this site cant support AVI's, already tried to upload one... i've uploaded before... but i had someone else show me how. Sorry, this may take a while.


    FINALLY! I think i got it! I had to change it back to "M-PEG Movie" format. The other person on this station put it to "Animation" when i wasn't here...


  8. its the quicktime file, what one should i upload? I mean, i tried the AVI and it didnt work, and now this one wont... i'm confused, let me try to render it differently.
    QuickTime is fine, but it looks like your file is corrupted or something.. its only 32bytes in size


    My qtpro on windows xp was unable to open it....


    Yeah, this is REALLY strange, I've rendered it a few times and still nothing. Once the render is complete, and i scrub throught it, theres nothing, just a blue screen. I'm wondering if i messed up a setting or something because the AVI is perfect, but this site cant support AVI's, already tried to upload one... i've uploaded before... but i had someone else show me how. Sorry, this may take a while.

  9. its the quicktime file, what one should i upload? I mean, i tried the AVI and it didnt work, and now this one wont... i'm confused, let me try to render it differently.
    QuickTime is fine, but it looks like your file is corrupted or something.. its only 32bytes in size


    Alrite, i'll try re-rendering it a few times, doesnt take too long, Thanks

  10. You can fix that with bones.

    If you have a bone for every spline ring that runs horizontally, set to orient like the hips at

    decreasing values.... that's just one variation of handling it.


    alright, i'll try that sooner or later. With my operating system a lot of the bone modeling should be done all at once and never changed after... since it lags like hell when i try to. Eh, I'll still try that when i take this project home to work on. At the moment, im working on this as my senior project at school.





    Working on the run cycle right now, adding motion blur is a major plus to the smoothness, and yeah, i'm going for a slow motion look.


  11. You can fix that with bones.

    If you have a bone for every spline ring that runs horizontally, set to orient like the hips at

    decreasing values.... that's just one variation of handling it.


    alright, i'll try that sooner or later. With my operating system a lot of the bone modeling should be done all at once and never changed after... since it lags like hell when i try to. Eh, I'll still try that when i take this project home to work on. At the moment, im working on this as my senior project at school.

  12. hmmm, looks like it still needs that bump....plus the texture is stretching....


    yea, i fixed the texture stretching by turning his body back around. Thats pretty hard to avoid, but i still do need to do the bump map. The main reason why im not using a bump map now is to make it not lag while im making the movie at first, understand? :D

  13. What i DO need to know is how do you do a bump map? Isn't there some way to make the decals like... pop out of the model?


    Easy! Once you have you're color map applied, you right click the images folder inside the color map decal and choose add image and then click you're bump map (for testing you can just use the map you're using as your color map). So now there are two images in the images folder. Click the one you want to use for your bump map and in the properties panel under Type choose "Bump".


    I hope that wasn't something you already knew...maybe I misunderstood the question.


    Hope it helps though!




    no, thanks! this was actually EXACTLY what i was looking for... i havent messed around with that stuff quite yet, so ill try it out.

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