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This is a model I did after seeing this sticker on the back of a SUV window while I was driving. (Digital cameras are great!) My only problem is.... what the heck do I do with it?

Any suggestions?



Marc J. Odden


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Hmm.. Make a big hairball to put behind it? Since the eyes look mad you could use it as the enemy of sorts.


Hmm.. What about the blueberry people. As one berry tells a youngster a tail of bravery and heroics.



Blueberrys are hill dwelling folks. Peaceful, productive and just generally sweet. But every fall a monster they called Fuzzy comes and decimates their quiet village and consumes a large portion of the populous.

One day the blueberries become fed up with the abuse and develop a plan of defense. Spys are sent out on dangerous missions to gather intel on their enemy and find a weakness. Many blueberries perish in the quest, but the intelligence is eventually gathered and tactics developed. Soon word traveled down the vine and they found themselves allied with the dewberrys and cranberrys.


How smart are berries anyway?


How smart if Fuzzy?


Main Characters:


Finding the unlikely hero:

Terry berry was a puny little thing. Not much more than a seed and not able to work like the others. But he was gifted with courage and strove to overcome his failing by developing his intellect.


The mentor:

A crafty old berry named Stinky Berry had taken a liking to this bright little tart and saw in Terry a bit of his younger self. Soon they became inseperatble friends and the old berry shared his earned wisdom and knowledge.


Adversary: Fuzzy, the berry eating monster.



Seasons changed and the harvest was grand. Better than years before. The berries were working busily building and bedding. Preparing for the coming winter. Amist all of the hustle and bustle the little berries had forgotten to post watches for attacks by the dreaded Fuzzy.


Since Stinky and Terry were of little use during this time they decided upon a little field trip to the countryside to study the insects of the pond and gather supplies for their secret rejuvenation and growth experiments.

Bla, bla, bla. Instead they spot the monster. Panic ensues and try to make it back to the village. The old berry can't make it, but Terry refuses to leave his friend behind. Especially with that monster so close. Stinky reminds him that he's old and all dried out; Who in there right mind would eat an old stinker like me? Stinky suggest Terry go warn the village and he would try to keep the monster distracted in the meantime. Terry refuses, but the old berry is persistent in his reasoning and logic. The experiment, exclaims Terry. I can use it! Stinky screams, No.. No. It's too dangerous. It's not tested. And begs Terry to not think of such things and make him swear a vow. All Terry could do is say, but... but... but... Ok, I swear.

Old Stinky smiles and Terry and pushes him towards the village. Encouraging him to hurry.


Willie old berry:

The old berry knew the woods well and how to use the many resources of the forest to keep the monster Fuzzy thoroughly confused and bumfungled. Seeing the monster was without wit he became bolder in his attacks and soon fell victim to falling limbs and eventually the tree itself as Fuzzy tried to escape.


Little Terry:

With great effort, Terry hurried back to the village as fast as him withered legs could carry him. Cut, scrapped and dripping juice. He came into the village. Tried to cry out a warning, but only issued raspy squeak. Tugging and pulling at anyone who was close. He tried to convey the ensuing danger just outside the forest edge. No one noticed or took the time to listen to his frantic wispers since they were busy in their labors.

Terry stricken with hopelessness, thinks to himself. Decides to take matters into his own hands and makes a life or death discission. Off to Stinky's lab he goes.


Bla, bla, bla. Eventually finds the formula. Drinks it and becomes super hulk berry blue. Gives the monster a thorough brushing out with a thorny tree. Leaving poor fuzzy full of rats and split ends. Fuzzy runs away, screaming in absolute terror.


Terry is cheered as the hero, but soon remembers he left a friend behind. Finds the old berry trapped, slightly squished and dripping juice under a fallen tree. With a super potent berry splash. Terry hurls the tree as if it was a toothpick. Scoops up old Stinky and runs back to the village doctor.


Back to the storyteller/narrator. ;)


Uh........Frank, may I buy, borrow, steal, or plagiarize your script/concept? Wanna do some storyboards? seriously, I guess I'm not creative enough to come up with a storyline like that. Right now all I'm doing is modeling stuff that I see or can copy that looks easy. I haven't even attempted to animate anything. Guess I'm to easily intimidated. Maybe someday you'll see "The Berry Chronicles" on the big screen!


It was just a brain fart. :o

The eyes that you crafted created the story. Without them the little fable wouldn't have manifested itself in my screwed up mind. :)

So, use the little scrip as you will - since you inspired it.


The story is designed with simple characters with simplistic but interesting roles. This approach reduces the number of character iterations or in this case character models. There is still a need to find some unexpected gags and stunts for the characters.



I can do the storyboards, but it would be more inetersting to see how you interpreted the characters by doing the main character modelsheets. I already have an idea of what all the characters and the settings look like.



Overall it would take quiet a bit of effort to build the sets, props and textures for such a story. Not to put you off any, but the effort may be more than you want to invest your time in.


Hey, thats great! He looks like he's got a lot of attitude. (for a berry) That was just a quicky first pass? It would probably take me a good 3 days to even get close to that! Although I am getting better as I figure out the ins and outs of A:M. I'm better at modeling inorganic stuff than organic stuff. (like blueberries).


Thanks for the inspiration. Maybe I can do something with it.


Awsome Blueberry Frank!


Are you going to post some animations ?


Mike :)

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