I've discovered a bug that crashes A:M v19.0 on my Win10 machine under very specific circumstances. Before I submit a bug report, I'd appreciate someone to check my work to make sure I'm not missing something. All required files should be in the zip file including the following image showing the chor layout (top view).
Open displ_bug_test.prj displ_bug_test.cho shows grid_test_a.mdl within the camera's field of view while grid_test_b.mdl, located at X=550, is outside the camera's view both models are identical and have displ_bug_test.jpg decaled to both of them as displacement maps the chor uses sky_small.jpg for image based global ambience with intensity = 100 and occlusion = 100 performing a screen render of grid_test_a from the camera view crashes A:M to get a successful screen render you can do any one of the following turn off grid_test_b.mdl in the chor or re-set the decal on grid-test_b.mdl to be a bump map or re-set global ambience occlusion to 0 or move grid_test_b.mdl to an X value outside of the span from approx. 350 to 650