Hello Animation Master..,
recently I formatted my computer again,
I'm on WinXP,
remembered my last win_host_id.zip I received from you,
started the procedure and ended up in a corrupted zip file.
No, it's the last winzip,so that's not the problem.
So I sended an email to the same person I did two years ago,
yes, my archive is OK,
and was backdated to the question who I am?
Which program do I use, what's the serienumber, do I have a license?
I'm sorry for the trouble I cause, but my simpel question is,
Could you please be so kind to send me a new win_host_id.zip file so I can return it to you for a lick.file.
I know my email adress is changed, due to another provider,
but is it worth that much saftycare to get access to my own program?