Setting up the opening and closing scene for the Dance sequence, its taking part in the young mans bedroom at home.
Have made the model of the house and now trying to set up the lights in the chor.
The first problem is that the lights are penetrating the mesh and showing up where they shouldn't. Is there a way to avoid this ?
This is the scene, looking down the stairs to the hallway. The light source, a Klieg light , is outside, to the right of the model, in the street ( its supposed to be a passing car ). As you can see the light cone is penetrating the mesh of the Hall wall and, in the upper left, that of the bedroom wall, seen through the bedroom door.
What I wanted to get, was the light coming through the windows of the front door and the bedroom window so there was a brief illumination of the scene before he steps into the hall way from the lounge and turns on the overhead light, then ascends the stairs.
Is it necessary to have a double thickness of the wall mesh or is there another way to avoid the problem ?