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  1. Hi everybody, I recently showed off my new computer system based on a AMD Ryzen 1700 (see more here). To show what it can do, I created a new Benchmark for Hash Animation:Master which I call "A:M Bench 2017". Download it here now: - A:M Bench 2017 - A:M Bench 2017 & A:M teapot 2009 in one file There already is one other Benchmark which is called "ThreeTeaPots" (you can find it here) from 2009 so why creating a new one? The problem with ThreeTeaPots is, that it does not really use any of the newer features of A:M and will only use one thread to render. Before it did not make much sense to get all the bells and whistles of A:M in a benchmark, simply because computer have been too slow to give a reasonable result in a reasonable timeframe. But with the newer generations of computers that should no longer be a bigger issue and it may be of interested to see, if certain features are rendering faster on one machine or the other. (this is not necessarily the case but it could occur) What will A:M Bench 2017 utilize? Ambient Occlusion (CPU based) SubSurfaceScattering (SSS) Particle (Hair) Displacement maps Bump maps Raytraced Shadows complex, perceentual materials volumetric Light Reflections and more... The file for A:M Bench contains of a few things: A:M project file (am_bench_2017.prj) 2 x Render preset file for the A:M project (am_bench_180p.pre, am_bench_360p.pre) Netrender pool file (am_bench_netrender_pool.rpl) Render preset file for the Netrender pool (am_bench_180p_multi.pre) 3 texture files (big_texture.jpg, small_texture.jpg, small_texture_displace.jpg) A:M Bench 2017 containts of 3 different tests. You can do them all or just do one or two of them. It is up to you. 1.) Render an image in a resolution of 320px * 180px using A:M itself. Start A:M. Open "am_bench_2017.prj". In the chor window click on "Render to file". Click on "Load Preset" in the dialog and use the "am_bench_180p.pre" file. Change the output path to your desktop. Click on "Render". 2.) Render an image in a resolution of 640px * 360px using A:M itself. (this is the same as above but with another preset file) Start A:M. Open "am_bench_2017.prj". In the chor window click on "Render to file". Click on "Load Preset" in the dialog and use the "am_bench_360p.pre" file. Change the output path to your desktop. Click on "Render". 3.) Render an image sequence of 26 frames in a resolution of 320px * 180px using Netrender. Start Netrender uisng "RenderServer_64.exe" (or RenderServer.exe if you are still using 32bit version). Start as many RenderMessenger using "RenderMessenger_64.exe" (or RenderMessenger.exe if you are still using 32bit version) as you can. If you hit the limit of your computer, A:M will tell you that. In Netrender, you should see a list of all the available Render-Slaves in the lower window on the screen. Click on "File > Open" and open "am_bench_netrender_pool.rpl". Depending on if you already did it or not, you may need to reset the frames. That can be done by right-clicking on the entry "A:M Bench 2017" and choosing "Reset Frames". To start the rendering-process, select all but one of the slaves in the lower window, drag and drop them into the lower part of the upper window. How to submit your results: At the moment, you should provide a screenshot of your render result (for 1, 2 or 3 of the benchmarks) and post it as an answer to this thread. It is possible that in future there iwll be a webinterface to upload your results to. I will updated this thread then. Additional to that, please let us know about your system. You should provide these information: Which benchmark did you do? (example: "A:M Bench 2017, 180p single") Which version of A:M did you use? Screenshot of the result Result as text. (example: "10:15 min") CPU model / name (example: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 @3.9 GHz) RAM amount, type and frequency (example: 16 GB DDR4-RAM 3200 GHz) Graphiccard chipset / model / name (example: Saphire RX 570 8 GB) HDD / SSD name (Samsung Evo 850, 256 GB) everything else like mainboard, power supply etc. is optional. So why are you still reading? Start up your computer and show us what it is capable of! Important: It may be, that A:M Bench 2017 will only work with A:M v19b and newer. If you experience a crash at the start of rendering, this may be the case. Please use A:M v19b (out soon) then. Best regards and keep on splining! *Fuchur* am_bench_2017_n_am_teapot_2009.zip am_bench_2017.zip
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