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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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    Multiple Macs for Graphics and a Shuttle PC - P4 3.5GHz, 512 MB Radeon Board, WinXP Home for A:M rendering + 1TB of Networked storage

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  1. Mike, Nice drawing. You have two options. Option 1 - Model from scratch It would be easier if you had a head on and side view but not completely necessary. If your character is never going to get out of his/her suit, then you can model them as the form itself (no body inside) Option 2 - Cloth a model Either clothe an existing model, like those that come on the Hash disc or make your own model and then clothe them. In either case, use the rotoscope function to import your drawing and start splining away! Awhile ago, Frank (I think it was Frank. My apologies if my addled brain got it wrong) started a project where he was modeling resources for people to use for free. I recall seeing a military helmet in the group of stuff. You may want to search the list for that post and take a look and see if it is either just what you need or simply a starting point (you could modified that model to become your helmet.) Who knows? Perhaps they would help you model most of your stuff in exchange for those elements (ammo belt, boots, etc) becoming part of the free resource library. Good luck, Paul
  2. Shaun, Looks excellent. I am both very impressed and very jealous. Once again, you inspire and educate. Thank you for sharing. I watched it half a dozen times or so to see if there was anything that stood out and the only thing I caught was that her bill bounces or quivers open and close ever so slightly after she is finished saying "Vietnam." But that is being extremely nit-picky. Great work! I am definitely going to spend time studying this and Victor's stuff more. Paul
  3. Cute. I like the stylized characters. Good work. Paul
  4. Nice work! It will be a shame to see it blow up but that will also be very cool. If the generosity bug happens to bite you, you might want to think about offering this model to the library that Art is making of props. He already has a military helmet and night googles. With this, Hash is just about ready to go to war! Watch out M**A and 3****X Paul
  5. Hi Diego, I would be happy to take a look at your footballer but unfortunately, the links you posted are causing my browser (safari on a mac) to crash. The images seem to have a .txt extension. Can you post .jpg, .gif, or even .pdf images so that he is visible? Congrats and I look forward to seeing the striker (or is he a goalie?) Only time will tell! Paul
  6. Graham, I think Mao-Chan might be a great guide for you. The opening (which you can view at the link below) has three young girls who have nice, simple anime hair that would be pretty straightforward to animate. Plus Production I.G. has some very cool, well integrated 3D models in the opening - a tank, a harrier-style jet and a sub. Now all that is left is to to get them to use A:M exclusively http://www.omoanime.com/reviews/animedetai...sso?id=1306&h=1 Warning - the opening tune will embedded itself in your brain. Paul
  7. Hi Graham, First, I agree with Rodney. There is no one "right" way to do anime hair and I hope that I did not come across as sounding like it is my way or the highway. Two, here is a link to my anime website. Take a look at the quicktime preview. If you have quicktime pro, you can even save it to disc. It is on the small size to save bandwidth but the blue-haired girl has a few moments where her hair is in action. Observe how all the action is actually just one big wave of the long thick ponytail plus a few strategically place hairs by the eyes, forehead and ears. Gonzo is one of my favorite anime studios and they do a really nice job of balancing fluid motion and economy of drawing. Hope this helps and keep up the good work! Paul http://www.omoanime.com/reviews/animedetai...sso?id=1208&h=1
  8. Hi Graham, The head looks like it is coming along nicely. It just so happens that I have been playing around with anime hairstyles lately. What I have noticed from the 1,000+ anime that I own and the anime drawing books I have is that anime style hair is a two-part process. First, there is the base "helmet." This is a close to the skull layer of "hair" that covers the scalp solidly and is colored with the hair's base color. The second part are the layered "fronds". These are the elongated V shaped strands/locks of hair. They are what moves and catches the highlights. Traditional pencil animators don't want to spend all their time rendering hair, so they judiciously place these in strategic places - as bangs or forelocks, over the ears, and by the eyes generally. This puts them where the strands movement will give them the most bang for the buck. If your girl has long hair, it will generally be one huge "frond" with a bow or clip at its base. The bow is important because that is the reference point for the movement. Here are a handful of shots of my attempt at anime hair. I used the free Gala model as my actress and gave her new eyes, eyebrows and hair. Apologies to her creator. Paul
  9. Okay, here is an Attacker gun ship (vs. the pursuers I have been showing so far.) I have animated it and added laser beam. This particular moment is just 2 sec long and is part of a bigger project. On the page the link will take you to there are two versions. The top one is the latest and the second one is the first test. This is all done in A:M and I am very impressed with program. Thanks for taking the time to look at and let me know what you think! Paul Gun ship firing
  10. Very nice, informative and inspiring site, Shaun. It is useful in sharing how you achieve your great images and is engaging to the viewer. I am sure that it will spark many others to begin similar projects and will help Hash in promoting A:M. Great Job! Paul PS Congrats on the son and I would also like to say thanks for the tutorial on particle sprites that you posted sometime ago. It was very helpful to me this weekend.
  11. Care to share how to do that? That is an amazing effect (plus an excellent model and decals) I am not worthy! Paul
  12. More progress to share. I have built my star field and rigged the lighting. Here is an image... Paul WIP site
  13. Finally got the hang of decaling. Thanks go out to Godfrey for the helpful post on how to set decal properties and to Steve for the extremely handy link to the online 2003/2004 reference. Here is a multipass render of the ship with three decals - one image, one bump, and one specularity. Hoping to crank out a bunch more models and images over the upcoming long weekend here in the States. Paul M.
  14. very nice Jim. The mustache has, to my eye, a hint of Vincent Price, and I think that this gentleman, if he so desired, could pull off that style quite admirably. Paul Vincent Price
  15. Hey everyone, Here is a quick render with a decal (my first! Thanks Jim T. for the excellent tute) on the Attacker model. I have actually built a few other models but I haven't posted them yet. Maybe later this week. I haven't added any bump maps and other goodies - I want the brighter red to be glossy but haven't worked that out yet. As always, C&C welcome Paul WIP site for my minor project: http://www.omoanime.com/wip/attacker.html PS Is this the best way to add updates? Or should I start a new topic?
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