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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by SCDonnelly

  1. That's what I like about having a student ID, discounts on software and Mac offers student discounts! Unfortunately I only have it for a few more days and I'm done! Yeah, the last version of Freehand we were able to buy was MX (2004 i believe) and that was taught up until about a few months after the Adobe buyout, so still very recent.
  2. Luckily, I don't plan on upgrading to Vista. I'd eventually get a Mac for my video work and to get Final Cut Studio 2, but I bought a brand new Desktop at the end of XP's Run, and it's still in mint/straight out of the factory condition! I've tried Illustrator, but it just doesn't hold up in my opinion to Freehand (Damn monopolies!). I like what Adobe's doing with all of their products, but Currently i have no plans on investing in Illustrator, as anything vector related, I can produce in Freehand and export to AI if needed. That's kind of rediculous. $199 for an upgrade? I bought at my college's bookstore the Student Edition of Freehand for $60! And it came with all the functions of the professional version, along with two installation discs....one Mac, one PC. Oh well.
  3. Excellent! Thanks for all the replies. I actually use Freehand at home, which can export to AI files. Although I must say I'm a Ranger's fan, the company I'm interning at does work for the Columbus Bluejackets, and the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Red Wings animations look great man! Again, thanks for all of your help!
  4. The production company I'm currently Interning for uses a combination of Maya and 3DS Max for all their 3D work. We work closely with sports teams and produce 3D logos for in Arena playback. To do this, we import Illustrator files as editable splines and texture and extrude the logo's faces. As i use A:M at home, I'd like to know if anyone has tried this function?
  5. It's a vague answer, but search around the Tutorials threads. I downloaded 2 programs, haven't tried them yet, but one was totally for A:M and was free, the other was a basic free version of a more expensive program. This one was "World Machine"...i forget the name of the other one bud!
  6. I always had issues with this, but eventually got it to work just by adding a bunch of constraints to see what they'd do. Make sure Compensate mode is on, I always forget that step (Follow the basic instructions on The "Getting Stuck") Then add Orient Like, Translate to, and Roll Like Constraints to the sword, connected to the hand bone. Whether or not that's the proper way to do it, or if it randomly works for me, that's how i've gotten it to work. Check out some books on A:M. There's a few good ones out there. I use one for version 5, even though i'm on 2006 and it all works the same!
  7. Hello all! I'm an Interactive Media Student, majoring in Film, Video and Audio Production. After taking a class in Maya, i bought this program to help myself with my own projects. I have owned Animation Master since July and have worked with it very little due to time constraints. I can model efficiently and compile images together and know some basic animation in A:M. Now that you know where i stand skill wise (beginner) my question. Does anyone have any tips on creating fluid effects such as a body of water? I can create a simple grid and apply the water effect to it, but as far as animating it and compositing into a live action video, i need to get waves and the ripples moving. Any help would be great! Reply here for everyone to see, or e-mail me at: s_c_films@yahoo.com (subject: Water Effects in A:M) Thanks everyone! -Chris
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