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Everything posted by Woloshyniuk

  1. lmao... did u mispell that one too on purpose because if so, thats hillarious
  2. yes well obviously we're not allowed to sell this stuff. And were not considering selling any of it, were just doing it for fun basically. We may however enter it into a film festival or 2 just to get it out there.
  3. Thanks for the offer but we want to try to do all of the modelling ourselves, plus we are only making a film that takes place during the prequel trilogy. You probably worked pretty hard on those models and we wouldnt want to take credit for them.
  4. I would agree. Dont expect to sell tons of stuff in replacement of a real job. If your lucky though you may make a few extra bucks.
  5. the jeans look great, but the shirt gets distorted on the sleeves. Mabye try using different decals or whatever for the sleeves. Keep up the good work nice lookin jeans, but the sleeves on the shirt get distorted. Try using a seperate or different decal or whatever you used. Keep up the good work
  6. you think u will make much money doing that ? They better be some really nice tables lol. I have faith in you though...seriously.
  7. Here is the tower of the banking clan ship that goes along with that wing i showed earlier. Most of this will be detailed with textures but there is till quite a bit of modelling to be done. Please tell us what you think. (try to ignore those star shaped shadows the little antennas give off)
  8. its great right now but with some good texture it will look 100% real. How many patches is it up to?
  9. yah its all just a little bit too confusing. The movie doesnt quite explain it enough, especially for the non highlander fans. I think its just simple enough to understand that when their heads fall off... they die. And thats all the audience needs to understand then it will be fine
  10. yes we have tried rigging our own but we werent exactly sure what we were doing and there were a few problems with the constraints. We just dont have the time to fool around with that stuff, there are only two of us afterall.
  11. If anyone is interested, we are looking for a professional rigger to rig our clone trooper now that its done. We need someone that can do it as quickly as possible. That would be a great help to the 2 of us and it would be highly appreciated.
  12. Well if u stand in line now you will be seeing it first when it comes out next june lol
  13. the shape is really good but it still has a few little bumps and creases to smooth out.
  14. Great model. Are u putting it into a short film or anything or are u making stills? One great touch is all the little bolts you can see sticking out it looks fantastic
  15. i actually think it gives him a lot of character without the hands or feet, it sortof matches his build and expressions. I love his face. Cant wait to see sum animations
  16. ya its simple but it has the potential to be very funny. Work on the lighting of the crows it shudnt be hard, then it will look much better
  17. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I am actually dark jedi's partner in making the starwars film, so we will have a combined topic area soon. Ill also have more pics of the banking clan ship too
  18. Yes i would agree. I did the darker pic first, then fixed it up a little. I still decided to post both though no map displacement, this is all just splines. Once its done i will use darktree to texture it
  19. [attachmentid=17844][attachmentid=17845]Im modelling this for a short star wars film... just started and the wing is about half done so far. Let me know wut u think .... its pretty simple so far
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