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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  1. A really nice and usefull resource, from a good friend of mine. Here you have her own presentation: http://www.artnatomia.net ARTNATOMY The work has been chosen as a finalist (in Educational Category) for the 15th Flashforward Film Festival (an online competition and live awards ceremony showcasing and celebrating the best work on the Web). Winners in all categories plus the "People's Choice" award will be announced at the awards ceremony on March 1 during the Flashforward2006 Seattle Conference at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. Application overview. This resource has been designed and constructed to exploit digital technology in the context of Fine Art anatomical study. It is intended to facilitate the teaching and learning the anatomical and biomechanical foundation of facial expression morphology. The presentation of the material takes advantage of digital animation, interactivity and multimedia presentation techniques as the means to facilitate visual understanding and learning. The primary goal is to provide the student and those interested, a convenient referance tool, facilitating familiarity and experimentation with the underlying anatomical structures using correct biomechanical representation of the different facial expressions. The task of the professor is also facilitated by the use of an expandable animated image (employing a projector connected to the computer), in addition interaction (controlled by the professor or students) is multifunctional; since the different levels and independent functions allow connection of the application contents to any educational program, providing realtime delivery of examples to the student. This is a compact tool, providing a basis for dealing with potential problems related to the proper representation of facial expression, eliminating the need for cumbersome teaching aids such as; slides and photocopies et. Additionally this digital presentation tool provides a complete supporting document solution for those institutions not equipped with such resources. --------------------------------------------------------------- This is an english/spanish tool, distributed free under a Creative Commons License. A Projector (autorun) is also available for Mac or PC. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in it. In any case, if you use the tool I'd love to know about it. Victoria Contreras www.victoriacontreras.com Regards, Gustavo Muñoz
  2. Thank you, Rodney. Jesús (Shazam 3D) was quicker then me All should be working again now. Gustavo
  3. All the tutos should be downloadables, but the ones from other people, just linked. If you tell me which one failed for you, I can take a look at the problem.
  4. Sorry, but I cannot find a "Mondo" tuto... which is this, in what section?
  5. Well, yes, the site was build for the spanish users, and we have translations of many english tutorials and also some others from our own. But all of our content is free, the only comercial product we have is the full CD with the character process, and the little budget we get with it is just for supporting the site and media... In fact, we are now offering the same videos for free as a download... This is what this thread talks about Regards. Gustavo Muñoz
  6. We are offering the 4th video right now, go get them before they get updated http://cole3d.net/am/curso/humanoide/lista/ Regards, Gustavo Muñoz
  7. Thank you very much, Rodney. I try to do my best... Regards, Gustavo Muñoz
  8. Hello everybody: Cole3d.net, the bigest spanish A:M workgroup around the world, is happy to offer for free our long videotutorial about the full process of modelling and rigging a human character. Note that, as expected, it is narrated in Spanish... It will be released by parts, and will be available from our site, a new chapter every week: http://cole3d.net/am/ Now let me put it in Spanish, so our targeted audience can understand it well... Nos sentimos muy contentos de poder ofrecer por primera vez on-line, y de forma gratuita, nuestro curso completo del "Humanoide", con el proceso razonado de creación de un personaje en A:M, desde el diseño hasta la primera animación. Se trata de uno de los más completos tutoriales existentes sobre creación de personajes en 3D, y además en español... http://cole3d.net/am/ A partir de ahora iremos cambiando los archivos accesibles cada semana, avisando con antelación en nuestra lista, donde atenderemos también las posibles dudas y consultas que vayan saliendo. El que lo prefiera podrá seguir encargando el CD con todo el material, como hasta ahora, ahorrándose las descargas y colaborando a la vez en el mantenimiento de nuestro proyecto. Gracias de antemano, y que lo disfruteis, Gustavo Muñoz y Pere Pigem
  9. Recordamos a todos los amigos hispanohablantes de A:M que en: http://www.cole3d.net Teneis vuestra casa, con abundante material traducido, trabajos, noticias e incluso nuestra propia lista de correos: http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/cole3d También hemos montado un grupo de trabajo on-line con el que estamos desarrollando nuestro primer corto conjunto, y en definitiva podemos dar cabida a cualquier iniciativa que nos pueda interesar. Venid, unios a nosotros, somos ya unos cien miembros, y cuantos más seamos más útil resultará el grupo... Saludos animados, Gustavo Muñoz
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