Hello. I'm an indipendent cg filmaker-artist, recently graduated.
To produce my (3d) shorts I used till now 3ds max (character studio let even a single person be able to produce a nice animation, taking much less time to configure rigging, and animation itself of several characters at the same time).
Since my budget isn't big,and i'm not a student anymore, I was considering switching to something like a:m..... the animation I've seen are really cool, comunity seems very friendly and responsive... but... well... It is there out any tool like character studio that will make my life easier? even a script, or something like that with a footsteep editor, some levels etc?
Or is necessary to rig and animate everything "by hand"??(that would make very tedious to create my stuff by myself)
My choice, for my current budget I have, would be beetween A:M , carrara, or lightwave.
Anyone here could compare a:m to those other softwARES?
I read somewhere that a:m haves only spline modeling: that means no polygonal modeling ? (cut-select, extrude)???? I usually start from a box to create everything! That would be bad...
Thank You!
Hope to be able to make the "switch", with Your help!!!
You can check some of my works here: