First of all, my congratulations for Jin, I think that your job is amazing and most important, very helpful for others who are interested in this topic.
I modelled this car two years ago for using it in an animation for a website. Is a Fiat 500, a very popular car here in Europe. I modelled it in a way as simple as I could. These images show both the wireframe and the look it finally had after posproduction.
This swf shows the car from every angle:
The way I started modelling the car was the same as Jin, drawing silohuette and windows and others with the help of a rotoscope, but I didn't modelled some things accurately. You can see a part of the chasis next to the wheels that couldn't be there, the doors are not modelled, I thought in adding a bump to draw the edge of the doors but I think that drawing it with splines is better.
How did you draw the edge of the doors, Jin? Did you use bias or something to make them look pieces apart from the body of the car? Could I see those splines and its bias values in detail, please? I like the way you did the lights. I find very helpful your notes on how you treated the glass but, how did you obtain the metal of the lights? I think it's an important part of the final look of the glasses...
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.