Aha! Another lurker reveals himself!
Great to have you posting here in the forum.
Are you working on any projects with A:M these days or are you just having fun?
If interested in really honing your skills I definitely recommend getting involved in 'Tin Woodman of Oz'.
I know you've been using A:M for awhile but Welcome anyway!
Anyway, here's a few details for this image:
All models built from scratch. The landscape from Terrain Wizard, the tree from Treeez, the big sculpture in the background rotoscoped off digital photos of front, side, top & back of this incense burner I had since high school back in the hippy days. The skulls are also rotoscoped off medical images from the web.
The baby ducks, also rotoscoped in a rough manner each weigh in at 621 patches, 46,014 down hairs
and many hours of splining & re-splining (creases & stuff, got the really bad ones out.), surfacing (tweaking the hairs) rigging ( from scratch), posing (got the wings to fold. Has anyone in the A:M community ever fold bird wings? The angles are really sharp, like almost 180 degrees. This doesn't smart-skin particularly well, so I use "fan" bones as well as muscle CP correction as needed in the pose.)
Here is my first offering & contribution to the A:M community:
I pulled this rig out of my duck, it's got a folding wing pose