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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Haikalle

  1. I have proplems with hair too. In my project I have model with hair and when I go to Action mode and rotate the perspective view and press space then my hair is moving a little. If I do again rotate the view and press space my hair is again moving. I don't know what's going on but I hate that. I have already send my project to hash guys.

  2. Hello Everyone. First I want say thanks to all people who share their knowledge on this forum and helps dumb likes me to learn everyday something about animation:master. Here is newest model. she is almost good, but she needs more character. Tell how to add. I will add some animate ...but I don't know when because I hate to read school books too : (



  3. new features are very cool and takes Animation:master to next level. I'm glad to know that I will get all those features only 99$. I want congratulate Hash's people on very good job and I hope we see more incredible 3d pictures this year.

  4. Ok... here is face model what I used in girl. at front it looks almost good face, but

    when you look at side, there is some problems. One is ear but I'm fixing it in future. I hope I get some feedback of shape of face. Example is jaw in right place.

    I hope you guys understand this. My English skills are. :blink::blink:



  5. Hello again. This forum is very good. I have learn so much in here. Last message I told that I'm doing mini movie. So here is one character from the movie. It's not complete yet. I have to do better eyes and mount, more cartoon way. Now there's only sphere. I used alpha version to made fur to squirrel and to mee it's looks good....Please let me know what you think.



  6. tuffguy.jpg


    Hello! I'm from Finland and I just love doing wire-models on animation:master.

    This is my first complete model. I'm also doinging mini movie but it takes couple mounths to finish it. :blink:

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