I got it !!! A whole animated book !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I give a saved action to each added page and I use an "opening" action or a "closing" action to the covers...
If you want to discover my animated book, here is a link to the zipped AVI file :
Animated book (1.5 Mb)
(Only 640 x 480 to test the legibility of the texts !)
(If you understand french, don't really read the texts because there are stupid...
It was only to see the result !!!)
With this animated book (opening cover, closing cover and the possibility to add as many pages as desired), I have some educational projects and why not commercial projects...
In the middle, the pages are flat to allow the legibility of the words... and the pages follow the cover by opening and closing the book ! I could make curved pages in the middle but there is not only pictures... and children could have problems to read them...