Steven Cleary: Hi there, I approached this project as a stop motion film maker firstly. I had been trying years to get a film made cheaply with out taking up too much space or time. unfortunately stopmotion animation demands all of these things.
So I bought Animation Master to solve this problem. Once I got it, I then realised I had to learn how to use the programme, so I decided to use Mischief as a way for me to get to grips with it. My approach was completely naive, I had little experience with CGI in the past so this was a big learning curve.
For the bones I used the A-M rig, back then I wasn't too sure what IK or FK meant, so once he was rigged I basically treated the robot as a stop motion puppet and animated him as so, one frame at a time, without key framing, it took longer but I do prefer that method, stops everything becoming floaty.
So that was that really, I effectively made a stop motion film with Animation Master, and I used the camera angles to make up for a lot of what I didn't know how to do within the programme. And I learnt as I went along.
By the end of the film I learnt a lot and I now know how best to approach a project in the future.
Since Mischief I've bought the 2002 A-M manual and I'm currently working with it to make my next film, and so far things are going well.
I'm still going to take the stopmotion filmaking approach because I find the end result has a more man made approach.