Testing, testing, is this thing on?
Gen Y here! My obsession with 3d animation began with the first time I saw Toy Story and was further fueled by repeat viewings of the show "Reboot"
My brother and I borrowed a copy of version 12 from a friend. We used money from our summer job to purchase our own copy, around the time I signed up to this forum.
Hash was one of many tools I used in a vain attempts to craft my daydreams into reality. Unfortunately, teenager me had the attention span of a goldfish.
"So now you're back, from outer space!" 🕺
In 2020 I had a creative idea that I had to see through to completion. I imagined the old pre-rendered graphics from games like Myst. The idea was to make animations that "look old" and to get in the mood I dug out my copy of A:M, with the two aliens on the cover.
Over the past 3 years I have been launching Hashish again and again to render new ideas. It's sooo fun! Have a gander: