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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Sacman

  1. This has got to be one of the coolest things out there. I would imagine that based on the complexity of the part you have created, you should be able to take one of these models and create a mold for further reproductions. This is something some may want to keep in mind. If, for example, you want to have the arms of a figure in different locations on reproductions it would be worthwhile to make sure that these parts are in a fairly generic pose and seperated from the main mesh as indicated in the instructions. I would also think that if you submitted one main torso mesh with head and legs and two or three versions of arm poses, these could all be quoted as one production as long as they fell within the 8" x 8" x 10" tolerancing indicated. Also, before anyone goes out and ruins an $80 model, the website indicates that the models are made out of a plaster based substance. This means that it is, at least to some degree, porous which could cause problems from a latex negative mold stand point. Be careful.


    Will, now I know we have to get together, I have got to see the Balrog head.


    Shaun Freeman, if you get to this post you have GOT to get the Chicks and Wren done. That would kick.


    Wow what a concept.



  2. I happened to notice a new feature length CG movie on the shelf of Blockbuster a couple of days ago and wondered if anyone has seen it.


    Click Here for what appears to be an official websight. I have been unable to get any of the trailers to work.


    Ok finally got a trailer to work. It looks pretty sweet. Luke Skywalker does one of the voices.





  3. I was curious about the part you have mounted on the back of the missle. It makes it look a little more like a winged torpedo so I did a quick Yahoo Search and found a great link to a sight about the Tomahawk that shows launches, flights, and impacts. One of the more siginificant features of the Tomahawk appears to be the air intake mounted on the bottom of the rear of the fuselage.


    Tomahawk Info


    When I was in the Nav we fired the old style Harpoons once in the Indian Ocean on a joint excercise with the Saudi Navy. It was an incredible experience. There is a video of a Surface to Surface launch on the site. I did not watch it but I am sure it shows how slowly the missle appears to leave the launcher before it actually accelerates. This is problably the key to getting a launch to look realistic. That is of course if this is part of what you need to animate.


    Good Luck.


    As a side note, if you ever find yourself animating Surface to Air Missles, they leave the rail at approximately Mach 2 and are usually about a mile away before you realize that you still have eardrums and that something just happened. Hell to try to take pictures of.


    Wade (I don't get to offer any real knowledge often so I rambled)

  4. I have the same problem. For me at least, it is a factor of either my video card or resource usage. If I start my system fresh and open A:M I can usually import a decal with no problem. However, an hour later after several crashes and internet searches, any decal I open, regardless of size, appears as merely a trasnsparent box. It still renders fine.


    I am running a 400Mhz P2 with 320MB ram and a Geforce 4 PCI Card.


    That being said, I do wonder if there is an absolute limit to the size of the image.....



  5. I have had a similar problem. For me, the material icon does not actually disappear, when I try to expand the materials list, it will show all the materials but when I try to select one it appears that the list is not really expanded at all and I select what would be in that spot were the tree not expanded. I usually have to shut down A:M and/or my comp and start over. I believe it is a resource problem. I have a 400Mhz P2 and have assumed that this is the real problem so I just work around it even though it is a big problem for me.


    Hope you get a more definitive answer from Hash that will solve my problem as well.



  6. I like the top one better. No reason. Just looks better. If you want attention to be drawn to his/her face/eye, the less complicated body will help do that. Otherwise I am afraid peeps will be focusing on the body for too long trying to figure out why the funky shape.


    My 2 cents,



  7. Will rocks. Thanks a lot. Now everyone go update your profile. We go from 183 pages to 20 pages when you sort by location. Such a shame. So we have approx 200 members with locs out of a total of almost 2000.


    Darklimit, if you get to this post, the company I work for is based out of Mississauga. Truly it is based out of Woodbridge but our corporate offices are there. Woodbridge Foam is the name. If I am ever up that way I will have to let you know. I am trying to get my boss to approve some training seminars that are being held up there next month.


    ChrisThom, I have family in Nashville if that counts. I have to bring my car up there this month for its next tune-up. Before you have to ask it is a New Cooper S and can only be serviced at an approved Mini service center. eg Atlanta or Nashville. The Nashville people are nicer.


    In retrospect so far my most active involvement in this forum has been with this particular OT thread how sad is that. I do read them all though.


    Thanks again WillP,



  8. Yes, however this requires one to add oneself to yet another system. Would it not be better if it were to come directly from this Forum database. All of the info is already there. In fact, I would be surprised if Hash doesn't already use it for demographic studies.


    Also, no offense intended, but the Animation Pit Stop is not one of the best site designs I have seen. It is not always very obvious where to go for various resource links. I am not a web designer and could not, in fact, do any better. Please do not take my comments as such. This database is a perfect example. The link to the database says to "view and/or add yourself". The implication here is that this is the link to add yourself or update your personal information. So I am searching up and down the page for several minutes trying to find the link that says, for example, "Click here for database" before I finally realize that the previously mentioned link is actually the correct link.





  9. So I am trolling the CGTalk forums and find out, entirely by accident, that Will Sutton Aka Zandoria is right here in my home town of Chattanooga,TN. What a shame that I did not realize this earlier. Don't even really know what I would have done or will do with this info but it would have been nice to know.

    So the question is....does anyone have the desire to create a searchable database of users that will allow at a minimum city, state, country type searches. Anyone, of course, hopefully referring to Martin and Co. Of course I would not want to take up valuable Hash Inc time that can be better spent elsewhere. However what a shame to not know that there may be a couple or even a lot of peeps nearbye that are using A:M.

    If Will is like myself he probably bought the software at Dragoncon in Atlanta. I have to wonder how many copies of A:M were sold at DC this past Labor Day weekend and where are all of us now. Hash has been to at least the last three DC's for that matter. Things that make you go hmmm.


    Just my two cents. Please don't bump me to OT no one goes there... :o



    Wade Sacca


    Actually in Cleveland, TN 20 miles north of Chattavegas.

  10. Wow do I feel like an idiot. I had no idea there were that many models on the Hash site. The free models section has not been updated since I bought the software in Sept. I had always assumed that this was the full extent of the available models. I could not have been more wrong. SO....if there are others out there that were unaware of this nifty find, if you go to the the FTP Site link from the main Hash page, then open the Data folder. I have only briefly delved into what is there but I know that the A:M2000 and A:M2001 folders both contain some pretty outstanding models when viewed from my newb standpoint.


    Awesome and thanks for this accidental find.



  11. Not much to add. I love the model. I love tall ships, even small Toonish ones. I have a pretty nice carronade modelled that you may be interested in but it's probably more complex than the ship. It was and is my first real model. My comp is pathetic and I have given up until I can update. I am running a P2 400MHz. How funny is that. I also have a simple model of a boarding pike. If you are interested let me know.



  12. Lest anyone forget Schoolhouse Rocks (sorry it is so long but what a great song)


    Three is a magic number

    Yes it is, it's a magic number

    Somewhere in the ancient, mystic trinity

    You get three as a magic number

    The past and the present and the future

    Faith and hope and charity

    The heart and the brain and the body

    Give you three as a magic number


    It takes three legs to make a tripod or to make a table stand

    It takes three wheels to make a vehicle called a tricycle

    Every triangle has three corners

    Every triangle has three sides

    No more, no less

    You don't have to guess

    When it's three you can see it's a magic number


    A man and a woman had a little baby

    Yes, they did

    They had three in the family

    And that's a magic number


    3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30

    3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30


    Now, the multiples of three

    Come up three times in each set of ten

    In the first ten you get 3, 6, 9

    And in the "-teens" ten it's 12, 15, and 18

    And in the "twenties" you get 21, 24, 27

    And it comes out even on 30


    Now multiply backwards from three times ten


    3 x 10 is 30

    3 x 9 is 27

    3 x 8 is 24

    3 x 7 is 21

    3 x 6 is 18

    3 x 5 is 15

    3 x 4 is 12

    And 3 x 3 is 9

    And 3 x 2 is 6

    And 3 x 1 is 3 of course


    Now dig the pattern once more


    Three! 3-6-9

    Twelve! 12-15-18

    Twenty-one! 21-24-27, 30

    Yeah, thirty


    Now multiply from 10 backwards


    3 x 10 is 30 (Keep goin')

    3 x 9 is 27

    3 x 8 is 24

    3 x 7 is 21

    3 x 6 is 18

    3 x 5 is 15

    3 x 4 is 12

    And 3 x 3 is 9

    And 3 x 2 is 6

    And 3 x 1... What is it?



    That's a magic number


    A man and a woman had a little baby

    Yes, they did

    They had three in the family

    That's a magic number




  13. A 32lb carronade to be exact. As would have been found on a 17th/18th century sailing vessel. Specifically the USS Constitution.


    This is truly my first solid attempt at modelling, animating, skinning etc. I have played around some with 3ds max but never really gotten into it. Because of the all encompasing nature of this software, it makes it more fun.


    The model is not quite compete, there is an elevation screw which adjusts the elevation +/-10 degrees, and a carriage of sorts that belongs on the back which allows a limited amount of horizontal motion. Plus some small details.


    I need some feedback. I know my materials are horrid and the bevelling leaves a little to be desired. Beyond that what is wrong????


    Blast away....no pun intended. ;)


    edited by myself.....why won't the pic post. It is a simple JPG.


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