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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  • Name
    victor valles

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  • Hardware Platform
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    win xp, 256mb ram, p4 2ghz prossesor, 2 1/2 year old video card around 128 mb (nvidea), 160gig HD

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  1. oh yeah! right cliking is my friend doh! thanks
  2. i couldnt find it in the help in my AM
  3. hooray im reddy to start finishing my rat! here is is unrefined THANKS!
  4. there is hair groing inside my rat AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TEW DOOOOOOO
  5. i made 2 cilinders and extuded and used the rotae manipulater after each extrusion. i thought it would be harder then it was
  6. i made this logo for a pod cast wesite that asked for logo submission's its called "This Week in Technologie" i was going to try useing hair to make the strands come out of the end of wires but it is for a low rez logo and it wouldnt who up well. it was fun figureing out how to get the twist in the wire 'wire Man' 'Wire Man' toon version
  7. my first model BUT FIRST!!! THE HISTORY OF "UFO-MAN IN 3D" i was hangin out on ef net blabin about how i need more cartoons on my site, and i mentioned to a very dear friend that i should try 3d out even though i have failed my whole life at doing anything more then a lath operation. and this dear friend of mine mentioned some 3000.00 doller programs (that i didnt know were 3000.00. i thought to my self, "you know what ufo-man your a smart guy and you know the secret to learning new things, you should look into 3D now that puters are probably fast enough" "and what about those cool 3d shorts you see on the net?" so i went to the puter store and picked up a copy of that 3d magazine and started reading it. and the first thing i learned was that there are TONS! 3d animation programs and alot of them are VERY EXPENCIVE! i wandered around to the place in the store where the off the shelf 3d stuff was where i have spent to much money on programs in the past like ray dream that were complicated to understand and i didnt want to learn because my computer was to slow to do anything with it even if i figured it out! i was lookin around the shelf and i saw brice and AM brice had a stuffy box after lookin at the AM box and seeing that i could sink animations to sounds, and the danceing troll that i thought was TOTALY AWSOME!!! when i saw it on the internet, i knew the pakage was very powerful. i desided to investigate. i went to the hash.com and the animation demos that i saw were like crack i stayed up for 24 hours and watched all of them. then i stumbled across the video tutorials and i knew that if i watched them it would give me an easy way to learn enough to get started so if i gave up on it wasted efort would be almost none oh yeah... somewear down i line i bought bought 100 or 200 dollers of tutorials from 3dBuzz with a buch of people acting stupied while demonstrateing in great detal all the wonderful things you can do with primitives, i think i tossed the dvds in the trash. after holding off for a while i charged my credit card and bought the program. the first thing i did was i grabed keycat and flocked 50 of him skipping tword the camera. after the easy messin around stuff was over i desided to try the airplaine tutorial i exruded my plaine all the way down and when i was done it was worped beond recognition from the other view! i droped useing the program for months yet for some reasion my few days of fighting with trying to get it right were enough to give me regular dreams of splines and red dots! after a while i desided to buy a toy car and try modeling it so if i was sucsesful with me next attempt i would have something origonal. my first few attempts with the car turned out bad (it was worpped again) i realized what i was doing wrong. i was in and out of #hash3d all day while making the model and a few people who wernt to anoyed with me at the time helped me out but insted of telling me what to to they would give me hints. i learned a good trick all by my self: i figured out that a rotate manipulater is great for moveing a large groop pf control points and keeping the shape of your model as you alter it!!! when i was done with my car i desided to rotate a camera around it and move the light too. i knew that it would be important to get the right amount of frames per second for the motion of the cammra but i messed it all up and on top of that i had my dender settings all messed up and it took7 days to render for a 80 second animation. but i got it right the second time and it looks pretty cool with the grass i flocked around the car. iv been messin around with other things. i put a dress on shaggie with a cloth meterial: it didnt really work but it looked really cool. i wanted to use some volumetric fog on the car project but my settings made it look cheesie: i was hopeing for an effect like in that puppet/dog animation. its kind of a dark animation, it looks better on brighter monitor anyway.... HERE IS MY FIRST CARCAR!!!!!!!!! (i made it months ago) http://ufoclips.com/art/1.wmv
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