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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by msfolly

  1. Couple of thoughts on the sinking feet.


    I tried it, and you are right – “seeing” the hill is a problem. So perhaps;


    1) Maybe you could make a walkway with very thick patch density in a strip.

    2) Use the conform plug-in to make it fit your hill. This is my FAVORITE plug in, I use it constantly. http://www.kci-group.com/z/conform.htm

    3) Pose the actors.

    4) Remove the walkway, since you no longer need it.


    Or, try the grass. Hair systems are kinda hard to work with. I generally turn drawing OFF when I am working, and just render. Don’t bother turning on the hair dynamics on for grass. If you have to see it to adjust it, try wire frame. Hair is a RENDERING HOG!


    Anyway, for fun I made a hill and some moss-like stuff, and put a model of a chicken by Con Kuomis on it.

    The grass grows through the feet a little, but it looks okay, fairly organic, and your robot feet are thick enough so that it might not poke through them.


    To put hair on something, you make a hair system (emitter material) and then just drop the material on the group of patches you want “hairy”.


    My fool around project with a mossy material is attached. Going this route may be more trouble than it is worth!


    If you have never worked with hair, there is something to note.

    You can change the thickness of the hair to make it wide at the bottom and thin at the top. (See pic)

    This allows you to set the density way down, so the render time is better, and while you are working on it, it does not chew up so much processing time. Tip courtesy of Colin’s wonderful hair tutorial.

    USE WIREFRAME OR DO NOT DRAW FOR REALTIME, otherwise you will be growing a beard waiting for it to process.


  2. I am totally captivated. Great work! I am hooked. Want to see MORE.


    Sorry you are having problems with the feet, tell us how you work it out. 'Course you could always confuse the issue, and just put some grass on the hill for them to sink into...


    Josh - that info on the eyes blinking when you turn your head is incredible. I have been trying it, and I do! How can you live in a body for so long, and not notice stuff like that? Very interesting info.

  3. Looking better and better.


    That thing overhead, though, while cute is distracting...

    UNLESS that is part of the the endgame you are not giving away yet. In which case, its great, 'cause it raises some questions in the viewer like; Is that a cloud? Is that some sort of sensing device?


    The hands in front of the the face part is nice, and the timing is good.

  4. What a refreshing change!


    Like your model, love the bod and the stringy legs. May be just a tad too stringy... those legs. Is that bump mapping or splines on the calfs?


    The monocle and the hair are great. Looks like an excellent caricature! I like the whole concept and really nice modeling. He looks like a real old hoot.

  5. I am not sure I am voting correctly.


    1 I would like to see a countdown for submissions and the subject IN THE FORUM

    2 It would be better if the voting was blind in two ways.

    A. You don't know who did it until later

    B. You don't know how everyone else is voting, so it won't influence your vote.

    3. I think a pinned or highlighted category would increase awareness, and encourage participation.


    Or, is all this here and I am just missing it?

  6. love the compostion, the colors and the mood! I especially like the veining in the wings - VERY nice touch.


    I think the lower fairy looks like she is going to slid of the toadstool, though. I would not know how to fix it, though? Maybe a indentation in the cap or hook her legs around the edge, I don't know.


    I like the mood this picture evokes! I may be blind, but What creasing?

  7. Gee, this is fun - comments with no work.


    How about if the green bot, after pointing the way for white to go, then makes backward flicking motions with his fingers, while shaking his head?


    You know, like a "go on, get out of here" motion, palm parallel to ground, fingers start in down position and flick upwards and outwards in direction to go. 3 quick ones.

  8. Gee, I would LOVE that. Nobody I know does annimation, or even knows about it, so a user group would be great!


    I am a RAW newbie, though, so I am not sure how good my contributions to a group would be. Hooked though, not much time for golf anymore.

  9. The decals on the jeans had a crease in them. Makes the knees look lower than they are, or maybe I should just add knee pads!


    Re-doing the decals all the time is a pain, but it helps me visualize better. I suppose the better work flow would be to leave them off until the end, but hey, I think I just like painting decals. Materials are fun, but they take an awful lot of time to render.

  10. The music, wow. The animation, great!


    I only watched the intro movie, and you can tell that the guy driving the ship is a good guy. I think it is his "clear expression" , He just looks nice. I was impressed as well with the picture of his "protector" friend posted early on in this thread. He LOOKS like that kind of a guy.


    If you can evoke those judgements without anything but their appearance, I think you are doing a lot.


    I am really looking forward to seeing more.

  11. May take a while.


    I am doing basic animation tutorials now. Like how to position a camera, where did the light go, why can't I see anything, etc.


    And, that's BEFORE I even start to pose her.


    I'm getting a little tired of her anyway. I may just start another model, to correct all of the problems I made starting out, to see if it goes faster. Maybe something not quite so "real" looking

  12. Sorta.


    At least my model doesn't mind me looking up her nostrils at 2 am. Kinda creepy, though - I work on her mostly without the hair going.


    Saw your posts, and yeah, taking the rotos (this is my first try) was hard. I kept having to re-take them, and having my hair pulled back is VERY unappetizing to look at for very long.


    I am in the process of rebuilding the head, so it will be eaiser to rig. Also, some of the clothing decisions, etc. were changed to allow for eaiser animation, and not necessarily "true to life".


    I will say that starting from scratch has taught me a lot. I don't know what I would do with this forum, though, and all the great tutorials people have put out.

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