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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by markeh

  1. normal map test
  2. Your trailer didn't do this justice. There were alot of interesting and funny nuances put into this to make it come out very colorful. It was very enjoyable to watch! Your animation skills seemed to get better by every minute of the movie. Ok so the characters weren't moving like Shrek but if you had everything moving like your "Toto", it might have given it a run for the money.
  3. Ah, the ole' send the girls back to 1846 trick. I like your landscape. Looks like it has a lot of depth to it. 14 minutes is a lot work done on pure animation. I know I 've topped out at 2 or 3 minutes being frazzled. One thing about those girls, they need to be skipping to my lou......a little hop to their step. Also, when they turn their heads they seem to abrubtly stop. Otherwise the scenery looks great and sounds like an interesting story. Oh yeah, one more thing. Get that girl to belt out her line. She's weilding a sword for pete sake.....she's dangerous......she means it!!!!!!
  4. That cracks me up. But you know, that's not my real hair style. The red globs are a sprite. Pretty much the motion of the breaking model dictated the motion of the sprites. I had them grow in size over time which turned out not to be necessary. Once it's out there, there wouldn't be a whole lot of oozing going on. Yes you could practically make a whole movie with Steffen's (very appreciative of other plugin writers as well) plugins. Just add a little dialogue. Thanks for all the comments.
  5. I was just playing around with Steffen's e_rebuild plugin. WARNING: Graphic in nature (or maybe not). Although, if you hold it on frame 31, it looks kind of like a Christmas tree. viking.mov
  6. Oh good, that's a descent list of psychotics in whom I can confide.... Here is the inspiration for the story. I have a 6 year old autistic boy who has run away a few times. This laser security system is real (minus risk of serious injury of course) but it came to me in a kit form (soldering resisters and capacitors etc.) which took my non-electronic self a few days to build. One night during this period my child falls out of a second story window. A cat scan shows a fracture to his eye bone - no displaced bone and it will heal by itself. He also had a limp. Here is the first cool part. Within two weeks he is as physically strong and fast as he ever was and maybe even more so. Here is the really cool part. Before the accident, we couldn't get him to say any words at all (he might have had a two or three word vocabulary at school). Within a month I've heard him say 20 or 30 words here at home. Had there been a different outcome, the clip would never have been made. Now we have bars on all the upper level windows and furniture has been rearranged. The kid model was originally of his twin sister I had created. I distorted a few splines here and there and shortened the hair.
  7. My wife too! I'm sure glad some are finding the comedy in it though. I was thinking about using Thom but then I was sympathetic to whoever created Thom.
  8. Oh boy, here it goes. I'll probably go to hell for this or get kicked off the forum. Some may find this disturbing. I hope everyone finds it comical. Just remember it's all cinematics and pixels flying about on a computer monitor. 3.3 MB quicktime
  9. Not only the edges but there appears to be some transparency as well. With the software that I use for green/blue screen, there's a low threshold and high threshold option. With high threshold ramped up, I will get similar to what you have - some transparency (unless the picture deceives my eyes) and possibly halo. If the lighting on the green screen is consistently lit and it has good luminunce, I can do away with the high threshold option altogether (I mean you might use it a bit to soften things). Also if you if you have an option for chroma blur that you can apply before the chroma key, that will take away the hard clipping. You might not even have to do anything in post. If your software doesn't have these specific options, it may have something similar. When I first started compositing, the options weren't imediately apparent to me. Once again you have a very funny and cool clip. I showed it to my small daughter. Good wholesome family character building entertainment. Hey! She knows it's all movie making!
  10. I think even Quinten Terrentino could learn from this one. Quite funny. And now I must repent.
  11. Awesome? Was that the terminology we discussed? Oh boy. ok ok ok...time to take my blood pressure pills.
  12. Great model. Is this one whole model or do you drop on the pillars and other intricate architecture? This is a question for really any most excellent mechanical modeler. To clarify, are all the splines attached?
  13. Thankyou for all the kind comments. I agree with all the corrections. At some point I just say to myself that I have to get this out of my system and then I get lazy(Like that Bellagio building has a very low patch count and is only generally the same design as the real thing. It's windows are populated with the grid material). However, there are some things that I'm challenged at like lighting that will just have to come out in trial and error I suppose. But as far as that water displacement, I'm sort of waiting for Emilio or Anders or Marcel or Stephen Gross (collectively known as the rat pack in my eyes) to come out with some whizy plugin that doesn't quite make a whole movie for you, but makes things like that more easy. There are three camera cuts and didn't quite know what would make a believable transition from going inside to outside and vice versa. Maybe somehow a distortion as it passes through the window?
  14. Nancy - the only thing I know for sure is that those are art pieces inside the Bellagio in Las Vegas (I got them off their commercial web site). As far as who did them..........um.........I'm going to go with your answer. I know so little about art that some one could talk me out of thinking that Leornardo Davinci did Mona lisa. He did, didn't he? As far as TWO, I feel I would screw the whole thing up somehow. I went to one pro baseball game in my life. The score ended up being 20 to 4, an extremely embarassing spread. I felt my mere presence had everything to do with it.
  15. I thought maybe I would turn on collision and let the sprites bounce a little on the surface to fake a little turbulence, but then the angle of the water shoots varies so greatly that I was afraid some of the sprites would dance around on the surface too long (when shot straight up, they die just below the surface. At an angle, they're still lively for quite some time below the surface.). Any suggestions on making displacement occur as the water hits the pond (easy suggestions)?
  16. Hmmm the link works from my computer. However, my wife at work says all she hears is sound. I know that sorenson 3 is the best codec for QT so maybe I'll set it up that way, but what about target rate or keyframe every 15 frames or ?
  17. The piano model was done by Dylan Perry and the "piano seat" I think was done by Roger Reynolds and I yanked the chandelier model off from the Thanksgiving dinner scene. Bellagio Fountains Less than 7 mb wmv file.
  18. Yes that was motion capture. I didn't have collision on the hair so it looks a little like hmm.....a cheap wig maybe? There is no project slated yet. I just wanted to attach a BVH to see how her cp weighting and smart skin held up (and I think BVH is cool however restricting it is). None of the facial poses are in place yet. In that motion, the hands don't actually grab the feet so it helps to have things in the shadow to hide those kinds of things. Her feet and hands are from the Lambrina model. The ears are from Bill Gaylord. The teeth are from Colin Freeman and the eye geometry is from Jim Talbots Lady Goodbody but the little girls name isn't Frankenstein. The decal on the swimsuit top is um.....uh....hello kitty......er......yeah..........hello kitty.....uh...heh heh
  19. This might belong in motion capture but......just thought someone might think it was neat. It's more of a final than a wip but it's not really a final because it has it's issues. stretch4.mov
  20. I have to tell you I'm always suprised and impressed to find out someone is 13 on this board. I'm nearly three times their age and they seem to model, animate, and write better than I can. I must have been born in the year of the monkey. Hey, are you mocking me with that model!?
  21. Hey, did you mean you need multipass to get rid of aliasing in your animations (as opposed to saving on render time)? I see the light now.....I mean the fog. Yes indeed I was never able to get fog to show up on hair (my tree hair) on my own projects in previous versions. Ah the time for realistic landscapes is coming to fruition. Could you post a pic with multipass to see the behavior? Was just curious.
  22. Well look at that. I've been trying to figure out how to do a wave and there's a fariggin' wave! I'm just curious, if you backed the camera away from that, would that show the secret? Or is there a whole ocean behind that wave? Animated displacement on a static wave model with particles?
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