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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Christian

  1. Sorry about the slow reply, I dont have a fixed internet connection. The ease control is exactly what I was looking for. I can adjust the pace of the movement just by moving the final key forward or backwards in time, and moreover, the characters feet stay planted firmly as before. Thanks guys!
  2. Yep, Im using stride length. I couldnt see any option for number of repeats the last time I looked. I selected the walk action in the chor, then looked over at the properties box. Ill look again. By 'red box' do you mean the long red 'bars' that you can scale? I tried grabbing and scaling that, but again, its only good for slowing the walk down. If I try and shrink it again, the length of each individual stride stays the same speed, so it just truncates the action, not speeding it up. grr..
  3. Ive put a walk cycle onto a path, but I wanted to adjust the speed. I tried increasing the 'chor length' and 'cycle length'. I think thats what they are called. Anyway, that was great for slowing it down, but when I tried to speed it up again, this time by reducing those parameters I lost part of the cycle. ie, part was truncated.. then my character slides the remainder of the path, where once, he walked.. Do I really have to be so linear in my work-flow? Im sure theres a way to change the speed without this problem.
  4. Thanks mate, and I will take heed of Yoda`s words. Try, I will not, but do.. -Christian
  5. Hi there Am community, I guess this would be a re-introduction for maybe one or two people. my names Christian. I was using AM about 4 years ago. Im from Brisbane, but right now Im teaching english in Japan, and trying to complete my own animation on the side using AM. Anyway, Im looking forward to meeting you all. Christian
  6. Thank you! Yes, it turns out that the problem was the mirror tolerance. Im not at AM now either, but Ill have to check out "snap to mirrored points" which you mentioned. Much quicker than -delete, copy-flip-attach, no doubt. btw, Ill formally introduce myself in the new users thread. thanks again.
  7. Hello Sorry if this has been covered, Ive searched the forum but been unable to find a solution. Im simply trying to mirror smartskins, but after I perform the `mirror all smartskins` operation, all I get is a new -but empty- smartskin folder. On the original side I can find a folder containing all of the modified splines, but on the mirrored side, the smartskin folder is just empty. Ive also tried deleting smartskins on other models, on one side only, then using `mirror all smartskins` to get them back, but I get the same problem. I dont know what Im doing wrong, as its worked for me in the past (some how). Any ideas? Thanks
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