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Posts posted by pugless

  1. Hey

    The problem with modelling something like this is that it is such a well known character that any attempt you do will only gain applause if its great. Anyhoo, you look like you need to get some more reference. The link below would be a good starting point for a rotoscope to model too:


    Gir found via google Its from the intro sequence.


    Try and get the basic proportions and shapes right first, then worry about details such as the mouth.





  2. Thanks for the replys so far! Hope there have been no further problems with folks viewing the reel.


    As for the comment about the run, I gotta agree. Just looks like filler I think. I'll definatly drop it with the next revision as soon as I get round to it, thanks for pointing it out!

  3. You really want to model only half the vehicle then use the copy flip attach function.



    Learn this! It sounds harsh, but go and delete half of your model right now, and work onjust one half. You'll save time, effort, and the girls will think your cool. Seriously.....er......ok maybe not the last bit, but you'll be glad if ya do.


    Also, you using reference of anykind? Remember, reference is king!

  4. Hey folks!

    I've not been around these boards in a while, so I thought I'd post this and start being more active again...well until life rears its ugly head again :)


    Below are a couple of links to my latest reel. The work is a combination of AM stuff and Maya stuff as well as some 2d bits thrown in for good measure, comments and criticisms always welcome!


    Large size (48mb Quicktime)


    Small size (8mb Quicktime)


    iliadic.com - updated website

  5. Good old copywrite issues :)

    Acutally it all depends on the country you are and what you doing with the work. Any thing written (with or without any copywrite symbol or other such nonsence) is copywrite protected in the uk for the life of the author and 70 years after their death. Again, the fun is in the details. If you just making something for a bit of fun, you could probably use (not saying this is good....but) copywrited material and get away with it. Only problem comes is when you try and make money from it....then again the laws are completly different if its for 'education purposes'...


    can + worms on this one. Best fire up the ol' google and see what you feel happy with, because in this day and age anyone can sue anyone for any reason under the sun (sounds a little dr. seuss ;) ) so really just depends on what your comfortable with




  6. Hiya folks

    I can't for the life of me remember where the skylight / sky rig / sky something website it. I remember someone creating a website where you could enter int he various values you had for a scene and it created the necessary lights and action files you needed for it (I believe it used sub frame techniques to use fewer physical lights).......did this ever exist? Was I dreaming? Was I eating too many mushrooms last year and took a 'bad' one?


    Thanks for any help!

  7. Well thanks everyone for taking time and bandwidth to have a gander at this one! I know there are a number of artifacts on the robot, and slowly (very slowly) I will iron them out. I still feel fairly new to this modeling business and sure don't have any nack for it (just lots of hours of hard work!).


    Thanks again!



  8. I would also like to know something about the light setup.


    It was done just using the two lights (one main, one to the side) with one casting a shadow. In some shots there is an extra light to help light the robot where the reflections didn't give enough light. Northing magical and quite basic really!



  9. Hey folks,

    Thanks for the feed back. And as to your questions:


    The only thing I foudn disconcerting was how close the robot was to the mirror when wiping it and immediately after. His position moved back considerably when you cut to him looking then pushing the button.


    er.......you only noticed one continuity error....trust me, Its full of them!!! Its partly cause its a bit of a rush job for the mimi movie contest. The other part is that it was origanally two separate toons for two different reasons, I just linked them together to make them more of a short and less like clips.


    Excellent! Modeling is top notch and the robot shows great character - fun, too! Rendering is very very nice. What type of lighting set up did you use? Render times?


    Popular question :)

    The lighting set up is almost the same as what comes with the basic choreography when you launch a new one. Read 'Digital Lighting & Rendering' by Jeremy Birn to get a feel of it. I only really adjusted it to keep the lights in the same place for each render, or so the specular effects were in a similar place where ever the camera was. Most of the effect comes from the use of the camera.


    I tried to use mainly fish eye (as in really wide camera angles) to add some depth to the scenes, its 3D remember, lets use it! Also in the first half I used a lot of depth of field and motion blur to try and add a kind of dreamy haze to the image. The second half is ugly in comparision I feel. I was limited on time I had to render stuff so I had to go with standard rendering options, no multipass, blurs or depth.



    As for render times, I had (when using multipass, depth of field and motion blur) anything between 8 mins a frame to 30 mins. Without, they were about 5 to 10 mins a frame. This is on my 2.4Ghz machine at DV-Pal rez. On my mac, the times were greater. The first half took about 5 days to render, the second took longer (as it was simpler, but rendered on my 1GHz laptop).....the experience also left me begging for a batch render option! (Hint hint, nudge nudge....multi camera and multi chor. options would make my year!).


    Really great. I would have smoothed his antenna though.

    Thats the only nit pick I could see.


    I agree...also some continuity between shots would be cool too ;)


    But another note on the lighting. I don't think it is anything special to be honest! Its really more of the model (the shineyness! Shiney with high specular and reflections) and the funky camera work. These piece was more for me to play with the camera and direction as I feel it is often a weakness of my stuff.


    Again, thanks for all the feed back, glad some of you liked it! Any more questions and I'll try to answer them, most though are really happy mistakes!




  10. It would also be uesful to know which version of the AM software will be used. Asuming this will all be done on one version, not with everyone updating when the new uptates come out to keep everything standard. Same for plug-ins for that matter.


    I hope I can wedge me self in somewhere as animating a bit on this would be cool! :)



  11. Wooooo, thanks for all the replys!

    Glad some of you folks out there liked it, as for questions:


    It was a kind of an organised jam. For instance, the directors

    knew what they wanted and then got the rest of us monkeys

    to do some of the bits. The two girls in the one photo at the

    end (Rebecca and Charlene) stiched 50 frames of the

    girl flinging her hair back, which didn't need to be timed, the

    same with the bird and other bits. So these were used to

    pad out / make the bits that needed to be on time (such as

    ticking) be on time. So it all came out on time in the end

    (but it was mainly due to luck!).


    As for a storyboard...heh...it was a uni project (the type where

    you think of a cool reason after you made it :D ).


    As for the factory bit, I have to agree with you, but I don't think

    there will be any smoothing as it was for a deadline so it could be

    entered into submerge 2004.


    Glad ya enjoyed it!



  12. Hehehehehehehehehe, oh I can laugh about it now but it was

    about as much fun as raming nails into my skull while doing

    vodka shots laced with laxative.




    Unfortuanatly I did only some of the work in AM, the rest was

    done in max (I quickly learned to loath that program). It was

    done using PArray, various spacewarps and mesher with a

    huge dose of hand animated stuff as well. If this was the type

    of thing ya looking drop me a line and I'll do ya a point by point.

  13. Wow!

    Thanks you all so much for the respone. I know I could keep trying to learn

    animation through the use of training materials and such like, but I feel I

    would really show improvement if I could get really critical feedback on my

    work. So I've decided to definatly do a course, but I'm still undecided on the

    2d or 3d ones yet. I think I'm leaning more towards the 2d as then I can

    try and learn another 3D one in my own time.


    So thanks again folks! I'll pop a post here once I finally decide (or actually

    get on a course!). Ta,



    http://www.tjmadden.btinternet.co.uk :)

  14. Hello all,

    I've gotten to the point where I feel I really need to get some formal

    animation training to make more progress. I have found a number of

    courses that seem interesting and they all seem to offer a 3D or a 2D

    version. Now, I'm stuck, do I go with the 2D course as this will provide

    me with better animation skills (since you pick up a pencil and go),

    or do I got the 3D route which although may not leave me with

    greater animation skills will give me a qualification in a 3D package and

    may set me up to drop me straight into a job / work experience as an

    animator, but with worse animation skills.


    See my dilemma?!


    So what I was wondering is what you folks think. Have any ideas I have

    missed? Whats your experience and how would you advise me to go?


    I will take all comments seriously as I am really trying to make this

    decision! Thank you all for reading this far :D




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