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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Hoggy

  1. Thank you all for the advice - I thought this was going to be the answer. I'd better get started then. I just thought there might be a quicker way like using the famous Hash "Make Dragon" button !! Hoggy
  2. Hi, I hope I can explain this properly. I have a cat that I have modeled using a famous painting as a roto for the face and proportions. In the painting the cat is SITTING, but I have modelled it standing so that I could set up and rig it using the free Anzovin Setup Machine. This all works fine and it walks and moves quite well, but now I need to make the cat sit in the original position as in the painting, but I am finding that I can't achieve the exact position to match the roto using the model rigged like this as it doesn't give me the required degree of accuracy - I hope you are with me up to now. The question is should I animate CP's to achieve the exact position, or unrig the bones or is there a better way? Should I have modelled it sitting, but how could I bone it properly to animate. Any help or advice would be welcome. Hoggy
  3. Hi Thanks for the reply- After I render it is much better, but I am struggling to apply the decal to the model accurately in the first place when the edges are so jagged due to the pixellation. Can I bring the decal in at a higher resolution? Hoggy.
  4. Hi I am trying to apply a decal to my model, but every time I bring it in, it appears it appears very pixellated (large pixels). The original photoshop psd file is 7670kb and is very clear and sharp. I have tried saving it as as jpg, bmp and tga files of different sizes and reducing/enlarging them, and varyious resolutions but it always seems to come in to AM the same. I have searched the AM forums for an answer to no avail. I'm sure someone out there knows what I am doing wrong or will know the resolution! Thanks in anticipation Hoggy
  5. When you said it must be the model, I investigated further and found the only difference between the versions (apart from the obvious) was the number of marker lines. When I deleted all of the marker lines, everything returned to normal. I think somehow there were multiple instances of the marker lines on top of one another - don't know why. Never mind - sorted now. Thanks for all the help though. Hoggy
  6. Thanks for the quick response. In answer to your queries :- I am running Open GL No hair material. The problem seems to have become progressively worse. I have saved 11 versions (I learnt to do that a long time ago). Versions 01 to 08 are not too bad.m Could it be to do with file sizes? Version 01 = 10KB Version 07 = 131K Version 08 = 672 KB Version 09-11 = approx 1850 KB I'm sure there is a straightforward solution somewhere, something I am doing or have done wrong. Another case of '...not put a tick in a box...' Thanks Hoggy
  7. Hi I was doing really well with a new model, but it started responding VERY slowly - a simple pan took 30 seconds and selecting a control point about the same. It is not a massive model. I found that if I was in perspective mode it was fine, or if I turned the Rulers off it was fine. I have several marker lines and the arrow indicators for these seem to 'shimmer'. Anyone any ideas as it is unusable at the moment with the rulers on. I could carry on without rulers, but I would like to know what is causing the problem. I am running version 15c with 3.5gig RAM, PENTIUM 4, 3ghZ, 120gig HD. Thanks Hoggy
  8. Hoggy


    Thanks Ken I'll try that tonight. Hoggy
  9. Hoggy


    Hi Is it possible to either move the start of my action in the chor to say frame 30, or to start the choreography at frame minus 30. I can stretch all the keys to the right or left (up to frame 0) apart from the first one that seems glued to frame 0. I know should have thought about it in more detail before I started, but I was sure I could tweak it afterwards. I am using v15. Thanks. Hoggy
  10. Hoggy

    Lens flares

    Thanks John - that's exactly it. I will need to study your project to see where I am going wrong. Hoggy.
  11. Hi I am trying to make a star 'twinkle'. I am using a Kleig and have the intensity varying so that it goes from zero brightness to maximum brightness and back to zero over the sequence. I thought I would add lens flare beams to make it look a little more 'starry' using "Sun 1" type, but I can't see any beams after render. Lens flare is turned on. Any ideas where I may be going wrong? Thanks Hoggy
  12. Both very good - evil looking. Adding the sound/voices will make a big difference. Hoggy
  13. Didn't find this post until late. I had this problem when following Mr Suttons tute, but the mistake I was making was trimming the image in photoshop smaller than the 'blank' patch. It must be trimmed exactly to the blank patch size or it gets scaled up or down and the positioning moves to suit. Hope this makes sense. Maybe better late than never. Hoggy
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