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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by TheJunglist

  1. Ken:Glad to see it does the same thing in 13 that it does for me. At least i'm not crazy. obviously this isn't what i want to be changing. oh well so much for the lazy way out. Thx for the effort ! YOU ROXORS! Neils & Nancy Sweet ideas. I guess I will make a series of maps is ps. or mabye ill use a material effector. i don't know though there will geometry under this model in the shot so that could get to complex. Thx again guys for rackin your brains. Will post results in WIP once they start coming out. J
  2. heres the stamp.. results :100 % trans 15 trans Does lowering a decals transparency cause the decal to become more transparent or is it that you are changing the transparency of the patches AFTER the decal is applied? PS thanks for this help guys!!
  3. Ok so i have switched targas for the bmps, rendered out both on final quality. I have also progressive rendered out the targas to something i just noticed. For some reason i'm getting transparency at the edges of the decal in final quality render. This would suggest to me that there is a black border around the image, correct? Could this all be a PS problem like in ps7 where the alpha weren't handled correctly? I just got cs2 an don't recall this happening in cs. i'm officially befuddled. On second thought scratch that, frustrated. I think i might do away with the animated transparency. You know what they say , If you don't need it get rid of it. Just hope the client wont gripe So heres the results. I've tried to use a naming convention to help describe the images. Give me a shout if you have any q's about that. Even if i don't use the animated transparency I would welcome any suggestions! NOTICE This project is for a medical animation. The procedure is a no scalpel vasectomy. There will be anatomically correct models in the imagery! consider yourself warned No blood or guts or anything to scary tho! Transparency results Webgallery
  4. Ive got targa's and png's for the same map neither seemed to make a difference. Ive messed with the alpha in the targas to try an have some effect, none of the results of that we encouraging. Thx for reminding me about the progressive render difference. I will render out a frame or 2 an post the results. What i really want to know is if im animating the right property. Changing that value should effect how much the decal effects to the model correct?
  5. I tryed starting a new topic about 5 mins ago, the post hasnt shown yet so im gonna post again an hope for no double post. Hello all, I would like to make this look like this but fade the transparency out, or in depending how you look at it, overtime. The problem is when i adjust this to lower the opacity of the decal in an action or chor i get this in other words the patches that are stamped with the decal disappear. i'm getting something wrong along the way even after reading quite a few alpha channel an decal tuts . i'm using AM 11.0t. heres the decal decal any help greatly appreciated. Junglist
  6. I live in Tampa. I actually learned how to use AM at the University of Tampa. There are still some hashers around Fl, but your right not enough!
  7. Bump. I would love to get that .shd too
  8. Heres the screen of my PWS relating to my trouble with streaks as posted in the general forum.
  9. Heres an updated look for the can to wet your appetite tho. as always critcism welcome
  10. well i do have a 20 second test clip....unfortunately its 27 meg (mpeg4, dont ask why) and i cant host it... If anyone is really interested they can contact about getting it somehow. otherwise youll just have to wait a while for the final verison
  11. i see what u mean about the streetlights being to close. they arent lighting anything cause i havent finished putting other odjects int he scene, trash, etc. also about the lights that was an early render when i didnt have my light rig in it. About the decals. This is where im at a quandry. I cant decide if i want to put a lable on him or not. would a lable detract from the cans character? Im going for serious and dark. in the stroy line he gets arrested and jailed for painting on a wall. havent really decided on what he is going to paint but prolly gonna use something from the old masters, mona lisa mabye but its a corny, anyways, after he is imprisoned for graffiti he is going to look out his cell window and see a poster for an art show at the MET tha is exhibiting "real" graffiti, ie the kind we see today. Whole thing is kind of a commentary on "what is art?". Poster Pic below. THx for the input on the lights.
  12. try smartskining the elbows....section in the users manual ...or if u just want to see what he would look like without creases move the cps in the muscle mode in the pose.
  13. DOH!!! couldnt figure how to attach 2 pics to one post.. sorry heres the second one.
  14. Heres some pics of my first venture in 3d, something ive takin a liking to ..kinda want to pursue it. subject is a spray paint can, concept on request. 1st image is test of a partial chor second is a recent render of the face of the can after some work..hope these images are small enogh to post here...possibly a faq for the forums image size? guidlines for posting WIPs? critiques and advice welcome. TheJunglist
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