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Posts posted by rusty

  1. David,


    For the following item:


    In the "Animation_Controls/Leg_Controls/left_knee_orient_like_foot_IK" pose, reset

    the compensates when the pose is at 100% and 0%.


    With the pose at 100% I set the enforcement to 0, clicked on compensate mode and reset the enforcement to 100%. I then set the pose to 0% and copied all of the off-set values over. However, when I move the pose from 100% to 0% the off-sets change. That is to say they are the same at 100% and 0% but somewhere between 100% and 0% a key frame must be set because the off-set values change before going back to the same off-set values at 0%.


    I tried setting the 100% pose off-set values at 50% but this did not do the trick.


    Is this change in off-set values as the pose goes from 100% to 0% (yet being the same at 100% and 0%) okay?





    Edit: It is only the 'y' value that changes.

  2. Rusty, I believe what T-Dogg ment is that when he, for instance, put a model in my library in A:M and later move it to another folder, out of A:M, the model/material/anything really disappears/breaks in the A:M library, will this application relocate them automaticly or will they become a broken path like they do in the normal A:M library?





    Btw, thnx for the app, gonna give it a try later on.


    Yes, quite true -- if you move the resource you'll have a broken link in the AM library. The AM library takes its form and contents from the library file (.lbr) and, if nothing changes the file then AM libraries thinks its still there.


    Lib Mgr does not replace or change the 'normal' AM library. It merely creates a library file (i.e. .lbr) that AM reads upon startup to create the library. You tell it were the lbr files are in "Options->Folders->Library Files". You need a fundamental understanding of how the AM library works to use this program. For instance, if you run the program and specify a 'start folder' where no AM resources reside, nothing will happen. If you tell it to create the lbr file and AM doesn't know to look in that location, you will see no change in the library. If you do not remove or hide in some way the existing lbr files then you will see all of the library entries you had plus all the new ones lib mgr creates... this may mean lots of duplicate library entries.


    Library Manager will fix the problem in that it can re-create the library to properly reflect what is on disk under the 'Start Folder' (by default it appends to the lib file so you need to manually delete the lib file before running it). Lib Mgr will re-find the resource if it was moved to a location that is under the 'Start Folder'.


    I hope that makes sense and helps.




  3. Automating ‘Reset Compensates’… sort of…


    I have a folder called ResetCompensates. I save my model to ResetCompensates/TargetModel.mdl. Within the ResetCompensates folder is ResetCompensates.bat, I click on it.


    In general what happens then is an AM project file starts up. In it a bite size section of the reset compensate instructions is in the top window, in a lower window is action window or your model in an edit relationship window… the relationship you need to edit for the section of instructions your working on.


    Each instruction has a reference number. In the PWS are filter tabs each named for one of the instructions.


    I read the instruction and click on the corresponding filter tab where I find either the constraint I need to reset the compensate on or, a small group of constraints that contain the one I need. I reset the compensate. If the original setting of the enforcement is not 100%, this also is found in the tabs name.


    I move to the next instruction and then next tab. When I do them all I save and exit and, another project opens with the next group of instructions.


    If each project opens and saves quickly this does save some time and makes it easier. I have a lot of this – all but the face parts because I don’t need these yet.


    Any interest? Thoughts?




  4. In the following:


    3.08 In the "Rig_Components/leg_constraints_folder/legs_SQUETCH" Pose


    a. right_knee_geom ("orient like right_calf_geom" and "orient like right_thigh_geom")

    b. left_knee_geom ("orient like left_calf_geom" and "orient like left_thigh_geom")


    Can we assume that “right_calf_geom” should now be “right_calf_bow_0_geom” and so on for each constraint name?



    In the following as well as the 3 steps that follow it…


    4.02 In the Animation_Controls/Arm_Controls/right_arm_maintain_orientation_chest_controller" pose reset the compensates on right_bicep_with_shoulder ("orient like chest_controller") at 0% of the Pose.


    The pose is an on/off pose – do you mean ‘off’ instead of 0%?




    The following, where you want to reset the compensates at pose setting 0 and 100 is odd in that the pose starts at 50% and, the constraint enforcement follows the pose percentage. I set the pose to 100% (ergo enforcement 100% as well), zeroed the enforcement, turned on compensate mode and then entered 100 again in the enforcement. I then copied the Rotate offsets from the 100% setting to the 0% setting. I wondered if I would get some jitter between the due to interpolation but, no, looked smooth to me.


    Only question is… did I get it right?



    Too many 'bow' adds not reflecteed in redo compensates to mention... seems clear which is meant.



    I automated the process to a degree but too criptic to release... value questionable.



  5. David,


    To resolve a problem I had with arm measurements and proportions I rolled the shoulders up when the arms were stretched stright out. I didn't need to do this and now its come back to haunt me. I future rigs I won't do this but I'm hoping that on the attached rig you'll know how to get the arms aligned. This rig has just been through the 'redo compensates'...


    BTW I posted a few questions under that thread.


    Hm... I don't want this model out and about before I use it... okay... feels weird to do this but I've put a password on the zip file which I'll PM to you. Sorry people... its nothing real great believe me! I just want the look under wraps for now.





  6. Hi!


    Glenn Anthofer has asked me to post a new AM utility that he has developed -- he’s preparing for a work related move to Germany and he is very busy right now. In fact he has been very busy for the last couple of months but, despite this, five weeks ago when I posted “Programmers: I need a program written”, Glenn Anthofer not only answered but came through big time! Together we hashed out the program specs then Glenn started writing code and I started testing.


    Library Manager V0.36 is a Beta Release and offered as ‘use at your own risk’. Please read all documentation before attempting to use.




    The program creates an AM library file by searching the specified ‘Start In’ folder and all the sub-folders under it recursively looking for the specified resources! It mirrors the folder structure found on disk within the AM Library (optional)!! It is enormously flexible and easy to use. It allows you to save your settings and in fact allows you to save multiple setting groups! It has a batch mode that can process these multiple setting groups (see the Commandline Arguments.rtf file).


    It allows me to maintain a resource pool with a folder structure similar to that found in the ‘data’ folder on the AM CD (i.e. folders for Models, Materials, etc.). Below these folders all of the resources are further organized by multi-levels of sub-folders. On top of this, it easily manages sub-collections like the “Extras CD” or the “AM CD” and, get this!!!!, models no matter where they live are merged together!!! (i.e. if you have ResourcePool/Models/Actors plus ResourcePool/AM-CD/data/Models/Actors the actor models from both these areas will be automatically merged in the AM Library under Actors!!!


    It is an awesome program. I’ve been wishing for a program like this for years and this is everything and more! Now I can drop new resources into the proper folder in my resource pool and then, maybe once a month, I can run Library Manager in batch mode from the scheduler and my AM Libraries will be updated.


    The program user documentation in “LibraryManager V0_36 Documentation.pdf” (within the zip file) was written by me and any mistakes are mine alone.


    AM Libraries Just got a whole lot better!




  7. Me again...


    Question 1:


    Instructions like the following are curious...


    In the "Animation_Controls/Leg_Controls/right_knee_orient_like_foot_IK" pose, reset

    the compensates when the pose is at 100% and 0%.


    ...if the enforcement is at zero, what are we compensating for? How would you even do this? Click the compensate icon before you change from 100 to 0?


    Question 2:


    Do these instructions change often? Or, have these instructions changed much? And do you think they will change much as we move down stream?



  8. Since you already have a good working knowledge of the face rig, I don't think you're going to have any problems with that.


    I don't know if I'd go that far LOL.


    I just posted a couple of questions on the contents of the resetting_all_compensates_06_15_2007.txt file. The 2nd question I became completely sure of as I typed it in but newer folks might need this level of instruction.


    The work you've put into this!




  9. David,


    I've opened this thread for questions on the instructions within resetting_all_compensates_06_15_2007.txt -- there's a lot there!


    Also, to help me track though it all I've copied and pasted the contents of this text file into an EXCEL file, scooting stuff around a bit and adding check boxes. The current version of this EXCEL file is here for anyone who wants it. I'll post any new versions here.




    First question:


    1. Is this file for both the regular install and the 'Posable' install?


    Thanks! (And thanks for all the hard work you've done),


  10. Hi David!


    This is a continuation of this post where I respond to your statement:


    No sir, you should edit the relationship after resetting the compensates. That way you get a true representation of what it will look like when editing the relationship.


    I needed to push forward so I went back to your wonderful Squetch_Installation videos and found where you reset the compensations. Here you do in fact edit the relationship before doing the . So regarding your reply that I should "edit the relationship after resetting the compensates", I'm going to have to gamble for now and edit the relationship 'in order to' reset the compensates. If I have to go back and redo them I'll be right were I'd be at if I'd waited for your response and anyway, I can see no other way to do this anyway.





    Maybe I misunderstood you, Rusty...what I meant was, you should reset the compensates before tweaking the enforcements. I'm guessing that is not what you meant. I still don't think I understand what you meant, but the way I did it in the tutorial is what I mean.


    :-) No worries. A lot of our exchanges go this way, I think its comical. And I still don't think I understand what I mean either. "Tweaking the enforcements"? Would not have thought of this. Do you get into this on the videos? (if you remember). If I can only get my models to move as well as the TWO models I'll be ecstatic.



  11. Hi David!


    This is a continuation of this post where I respond to your statement:


    No sir, you should edit the relationship after resetting the compensates. That way you get a true representation of what it will look like when editing the relationship.


    I needed to push forward so I went back to your wonderful Squetch_Installation videos and found where you reset the compensations. Here you do in fact edit the relationship before doing the . So regarding your reply that I should "edit the relationship after resetting the compensates", I'm going to have to gamble for now and edit the relationship 'in order to' reset the compensates. If I have to go back and redo them I'll be right were I'd be at if I'd waited for your response and anyway, I can see no other way to do this anyway.




  12. Hi Rusty


    Did you send it pm? do have excel and will be excited to get this!!




    Whoops... I meant to attach it. Here you go. All I did was take the text file, select all, copy and then paste into EXCEL. I pulled things around and added or deleted columns then put borders on some cells. It was quick and dirty and I have not tested it yet.






  13. Rusty


    I have started my first character with the poseable rig this weekend. If you find a way to check off the list let me know. I would be interested.




    I have copied David's list and placed it in an EXCEL spread sheet with check boxes by each item. I'm attach this. If you do not have EXCEL let me know and I can place this list in an jpg image and you can use hardcopy.




  14. No sir, you should edit the relationship after resetting the compensates. That way you get a true representation of what it will look like when editing the relationship.




    I guess I'm going to have to look like an idiot (I hate it when that happens). I tried LOL; I thought about it for 24 hours and even conducted some tests before replying because... your statement makes no sense to me at all... unless...


    a) Resetting the compensates should be done while in the 'posable' action before you export to a model or,

    B) I don't understand what you mean by 'resetting the compensates' or,

    c) my understanding of how things work is off and, the current version of AM has a bug or,

    d) I am missing something or misunderstanding you.


    If 'a' then, this should be added to the posable instruction steps before he has you export the model from the action (or its there and I missed it) or,


    If 'b' [and zeroing out the 'Enforcement', clicking on 'Compensate Mode' and resetting the enforcement to the original value] is not what you mean, what do you mean?


    If 'c' then, you seem to be inferring that one should reset the compensates in either a modeling mode or in an action (what else is there? In a chor?)...

    If modeling mode then, this makes no sense to me for many reasons plus, the latest version of AM won't let me adjust the enforcement.

    If an action then, how does this get placed in the model.


    If 'd' what am I missing?


    In any case I'm going to feel stupid.


    Red in the face,


  15. David,


    I got past the problem area with the install plug-in and am now working my way through the instructions in the 'resetting_all_compensates_06_15_2007.txt' document. I think that it goes without saying that for each compensate that needs resetting we must edit the appropriate relationship before we can do any resetting. Let me know if there is some easier way.


    Also once your down the instruction list a ways, it is quite tedious reading the instruction then, going to the PWS and finding and adjusting the compensation then returning to the instruction sheet, again finding your place (sometimes double checking what step/sub-step you're on to be sure) then reading the next step and repeating the process over and over. Not only is this tedious but it is prone to error.


    My brain has been working on ways to make this nicer and therefore faster. First I copied the instructions into a spread sheet so progress could be tracked and its much easier to see things in a table and thereby return to where you left off easier; you put an 'x' in front of the step to indicate you've completed it.


    Second, for determining and editing the proper relationship, perhaps we could edit all of them upfront!


    Finally, for making the constraints that need adjustment easier to find and get to, a unique tag could be added to the name and a PWS filter could be created to better isolate each one.


    What do you think? Don't forget my question in the first paragraph on editing the relationship.




  16. To make the "geom" bones visible in the Bones window, you can just run the InstallRig plugin...it won't affect anything else.



    Ah! Ah... and when you want to hide them, do you hide them by hand or is there an easy way to do that too? And is this information somewhere I'm not seeing? I perused the Wiki page -- lots of links -- at least several are broken.




    If you want to hide all of the bones at once, hold the "Shift" key down and hide the "body_SQUETCH_base" bone in the PWS...to unhide all of the bones, hold the "Shift" key down and hide the "body_SQUETCH_base" in the PWS.


    Hope that helps, Rusty.


    Dho!!%#%#%!!!!!!!!! Thanks. :blush:

  17. To make the "geom" bones visible in the Bones window, you can just run the InstallRig plugin...it won't affect anything else.



    Ah! Ah... and when you want to hide them, do you hide them by hand or is there an easy way to do that too? And is this information somewhere I'm not seeing? I perused the Wiki page -- lots of links -- at least several are broken.



  18. I keep "Squetchy Sam" up to date, you can get him in this post...there is also a link to all Squetch Rig related stuff on the Wiki page (it's also in my signature at the bottom of every post I make). There are a few bones here and there that aren't used in Squetchy Sam...they weren't needed for him, but might be necessary for other characters. He'll give you a good idea for most of the weighting though.


    Hope that helps, Rusty.


    Thanks! I forgot all about Squetchy Sam! Now... is there an easy way to make all of the geom bones visible in the Squetchy Sam model in the model view/bones mode?

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