I'm looking for some help with a project that I am working on. I am making a wine bottle, it is hollow and has interior patches. The problem that I am faced with is putting a label on the wine bottle and maintaining the flat appearance of the bottle's label. I know how to use specularity, reflectivity, transparency maps. The problem is that when I apply the decals in the model window is that after applying the color label using a decal I really have no way of precisely applying the follow up transparency, reflectivity, and specular maps to control the appearance of the label on the bottle in the final render. I have tried using guide lines in the modeling window to align the follow up maps, but things get slippery.
One of things that I recall from trying this before is taking a portion of the model and flattening that mesh. It seems that I remember taking this flattened mesh and working on the alignment of the maps in Photoshop.
Thanks in advance to anyone that can recommend some time of work-flow to accomplish this task:)