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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by animedia

  1. I always wanted to learn about clothes and this one tells us how to and complements perfectly the Flag one. http://www.iii-d.de/html/tutorial-cloth-englisch.htm
  2. Hi Rod, hehe thanks for the comments as Rod said, I have an Online Magazine about Animation but more specific in Anime and I just wrote a column about making animation in Mexico and making the point that a few years ago making Animations was very expensive so to make full length movies the only way was with co-productions from Spain, but this year was different a little Studio called Anima Studios just show in theathers a Movie called "Magos y Gigantes" the movie is for kids and as I heard they used USA Animation software, but what is interesting is that they didn't spend much money in the making and all was made in about 9 months and they just need like 15 or 20 ppl. now I am writing a second part with some tips of how to learn 3d and of course I am recommending Hash, and maybe in a future part I could write a tutorial with hash(maybe I could be a dealer of hash ) ah yes the magazine is here: http://www.animedia.com.mx/magazine is in Spanish maybe a translator can work or altavista ps: Thanks for the anime model and the tips Rod
  3. Hi Guys I am new here, and I would like to show you my last 3D animation that I did with polygons, Why? Cause now I am learning to use Hash 2003 and it seems the best way to make better animations, I have some time in 3D, one of those who used Amiga computers, so I had to learn Imagine it was very hard to learn but it was fun, 2 years ago I got the 2.0 version for PC, too bad it was the last version they never released the 3.0 one, so just about 6 months ago I decided to make this Macross 3d Animation to enter in a "Anime Music Contest Video" in Anime-Expo 2003 but I wasn't able to send the video cause they didn't had a normal address and the shipping company told me that if nobody signs the package they cant sent it, so well also ppl from the Anime Music Video said that my video is not Anime so It wouldn't be able to participate, I remember that in the past, Anime-expo had an original animation contest I dunno why they dont make more, I hope in the future AX starts again some sort of Anime Animation Contest, Hash could be a sponsor oh well this is the video, I already show this video in the Chat, is not a great thing(remember I used a very old 3d program and with polys), and it haves some edition mistakes: http://www.animedia.com.mx/videos/macrossalpha.avi it uses Divx you can get it from divx.com for free the video is about 45 megs in size but is in high resolution By the way, the valkyrie model was made with a program called Rhinoceros, then ported into a .3ds file to Imagine, but I really would like to port the model from rhinoceros nurbs to Hash so that way it wouldn't lost quality, I was able to port the 3ds file to hash but you know those are polys and they suck if you want that valkirye to run,walk, transform in Hash, if someone knows a way to port the model or can port me the model I would like to donate the model to the Hash free model download place or even in the next CD if you want, it would be great to see the model running and transforming. oh and yes, I hope to buy the new Hash A:M 2004 in the next Anime-Expo(is this July 2 I think), right now I am learning Hash from my school. So lets wait to see what I can do with Hash, I bet it will be great ps: english is not my primary language as you can see
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