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Everything posted by Alexey

  1. Good reference for this would be Muybridge's The Human Figure in Motion and Richard Williams' The Animator's Syrvival Kit. Also check out the Leonid Larionov's site here, he has a reel with some good walks and runs you can step through those Search the web - you will find lots of examples of different runs through google. I'm just a beginner animator myself, but here's a run I did for the bootcamp: run_left.mov i didn't have time to really polish it so its not very good, but it could give you an idea. Good luck.
  2. That looks really good! And it is more like the invisible man then a ghost. A small suggestion: the camera stops too abrubtly - add some ease to it and it will look even beter. Great stuff.
  3. Thanks David, and good points with the crit - i'll get right to it. Thank you, Melissa, but I never submitted it - I wanted to enter, but this month's sound is for two characters and its a bit too much for me right now, so I picked a simpler one from the previous months.
  4. Come on guys..... Anybody else?.. Anything?..
  5. Thanks Chris! Yeah I know about the shadow - I'm still working on what to do with the mother so just left her hanging and only saw the shadow after the final render. Will be fixed in the next version.
  6. Hi guys, This is my first acting/lypsinc attempt (well actually its the 3rd one but the first two failed miserably). Its not finished yet - the second character is not even timed correctly (i'm a little stuck with him so maybe you have a suggestion) and there's lots of refining to do. mother4.mov Tell me what you think. Any crit is very appreciated.
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