Hi all I am Jof!
I am sort of new to animation, well not really I have just stacked up numerous unfinished projects.
Can anyone advise on how to change bone Keyframe Interpolation eg., to Linear 'in one go' instead of having to go to one bone channel after the other and changing each one's interpolation one at a time?
What I mean is changing the keyframe Interpolation of each bone in my model all at the same time instead of having to select bone channel after bone channel then choosing the interpolation method.
'A way of setting all to Bone Keyframe Interpolation to Linear by default will be brilliant so anytime I move a bone I know that the interpolation will be Linear by default until I decide to tweak it using the fcurves'.[/i][/b]
I like to start off my blocking with a Linear or Hold Interpolation but like to have it set right at the start.[/b][/i]
Normally what I do is to go to the bone channel drag a selection around the bones and call up the menu to change the Interpolation Method to whatever I want but there must be a way to change all the channels universally in one go before animation actually starts.
Is there a way of setting bone Keyframe Interpolation at the start of animation to linear by default instead of spline and keeping it Linear until I start tweaking the fcurves?