My feeling is that it is always good to have the viewer questioning "why" or "what" from the beginning, and even in the middle. It's a great way to get 'em hooked, and keep 'em hooked throughout the entire piece if they are always wondering "what happens next" or "why". They want to know the answer, so they will keep watching. Don't answer the questions too soon. It will work as long as the questions eventually get resolved, revealed, or are left for the viewer to easily interpret/guess (and feel smug).
My comments in my previous post let you know the questions that I as a viewer was wondering as I watched this. My comments above were after watching 1 time, ie a first impression. After thinking about it now, and replaying it (a couple of times last night, would have to rewatch again) - I am guessing it is the same character, and that he is running out of his (someone's?) house? palace? to greet or wave goodbye to the canoers. At this point it is not obvious why I need to know about the house, other than it looks grand, large (adding more confusion about which culture had grand houses?)
So, if in your piece, it becomes obvious later on as to what that room was and how it's related to the landscape, culture, story (and I expect it will), and it becomes obvious that the characters are the same (or not), then I wouldn't worry about it at this stage. You can always add a bridge scene later if it still turns out to need it. Or perhaps have a slower dissolve between the scenes (rather than abrupt cut) to connect them.
When it comes to backgrounds I do very realistic to painted backgrounds to this style with AM. ( this style can only be done in AM, they do not work in other 3d apps). They just flow out. But the animation part takes, discipline, and patience. anyway I'm working on that.
The houses are called 'Long House" and sometimes many families lived in one of these structures. A fire was in the middle of the house and the people lived around the edges of them. The out sides were painted and carved to show their family crest. For example , the eagle cland, or bear, or killer whale , for example.
Anyway , I am reworking this opening scene.