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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by josema

  1. Ok, here's the problem;

    I've got two actions one where Thom does a backflip and lands in a kneeling position, "a la Jeff Lew", and another action where Thom is running. In the choreography, I started with the jump action and dropped the run action to begin a little bit after the previous action. I made sure to turn on the "transition to next action" button.


    The problem is, that in the frames where the software is applying the transition, "Thom" gets distorted and "out of wack", and I can't seem to control it. I even tried to blend the second action instead of using the "transition to next action", but it looked the same along the frames that had the blend ratios set in the blend method. I might add that both actions are set to replace. And I'm using AM version 10.5r.


    The goal of the animation is to eventually have "Thom" do a backflip and run off camera using a path. But the transitions between actions are killing me.


    I would appreciate any advise ya'll can give me. Thanks.

  2. Ok, I found the spot on the video. It's the Greg demo, and it's 4 minutes and 23 seconds into the video where he's talking about mechanical modeling.


    So you were right Tim, he uses the airplane engine as the example. He says that after he models he likes to give it a "White render".


    Sterling, maybe you're right in saying that it has to be set up. I think, however, it should be preset in the package, given the fact that Hash tries to appeal to artists. But of course that's just my humble opinion.


    Do ya'll happen to know what are the exact settings to use when settin' up something like this?

  3. Tim, the truth is I can't get specific because I don't remember exactly in what part of the video it is mentioned, but I can tell ya that it was something that caught my attention right away, along with many other things. I'll get back to you guys tomorrow when I see the video again.


    Steve, I wasn't able to view your sample movie (it asked for a codec). But thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it.


    Ken, thanks for the welcoming. I gotta say that it wasn't the web demo that convinced me, but it helped me brag about the capabilities of AM to some of my co-workers.

  4. Hi people!


    In the web demonstration, one of the features that is shown, is the ability to render a frame or an animation all white as if it were actually made of clay. I currently use AM version 10.5r and have not found how to do this. I also tried in AM11 Beta, with no success. Has anyone tried doing this?


    How can I make it work?


    By the way, the folks at Hash did an incredible job with the web promo, and although it is a hefty download, is well worth it.


    Thanks for your time.

  5. I'm doing an animation exercise of a guy who is blowing a balloon. But he becomes the human balloon, when he accidentally sucks up all the air that he had already blown into it.


    So I have two actions;

    • One of the balloon filling up with air (This is one uses the distortion box)

    • And one with the character floating in air with his body blown up like a balloon (this action is done in muscle mode)


    The motion itself is done in the choreography, where I constrain the balloon object to the character's righthand bone. I blend in the action, where the balloon fills up, and it seems to work fine. The problem is that when I add the second action which should kick in at about frame 55, the character gets all distorted and messed up.


    I tried using the blend mode along with the blend percentages to try to tell it when I want the action to start and end, but it doesn't help at all. What am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any advise ya'll can give me.



  6. Hi ya'll:

    I have a simple setup in a choreography with two cameras that I've animated in such a way so that they activate and deactivate at different points in the animation. The problem I'm having is that when I render to file, it only renders the active or current camera through out the entire length of the animation.


    Question is, how can I render out mutiple cameras? Is there a way to do it?


    Thanks for the help.

  7. Shaun:


    I must say I was very impressed with the design of the characters for your short. As far as design goes, they seem to work very well. I like the proportions alot. The thing that I like the most is the fact that, although it's a cartoon style, you've been able to achieve a certain quality in the models that really make'em shine.


    I wonder, did you sketch'em out first on paper, or did you work straight on AM? I really would like to see a wireframe of the models.


    Again, Good Job!

  8. Hi again!

    I think you guys are right, more detail is in order here, specially for the ground and where it meets the water. Not to make excuses for myself, as most of you know, it's hard to get everything just right specially when you're up against a deadline. But I do plan to tweak it a bit more.


    Thanks again!


    P.S. By the way John, it is a gradient on the roof. Thanks for asking.

  9. Hey that looks pretty good! Looks like you had a lot of fun making them, and that's what it's all about.


    If I may, I think that the one thing that takes away from the piece is the fact that is too symmetrical. In other words, everything seems to be perfectly centered. And although, that may have been your objective, in most cases it becomes a little stale. The solution would be to incorporate more diagonal lines and elements to break the symmetry. Maybe even a different camera angle, etc..


    But hey, keep up the good work.

  10. Thank you guys for your comments. You've been very helpful in giving me some idea in terms of the things I should be thinking about and resolving even before I start using A.M.. I still have a lot to learn about the program, but that's just the technical side, and in time we'll get there.


    By the way, I should be getting my upgrade to 10.5 today, so I'll have plenty to play around with.

  11. Hi!

    This is my first time posting in this section, or any section for that matter. Anyway I thought I share one of my most recent illustrations using A.M.. Please let me know what you think, and any suggestions ya'll might have.


    Thanx for your interest.


  12. Just wanted to tell ya, Great Job! I really appreciate the time that you've taken to show us your methods.


    I noticed though, that when you do a screen capture, you "shift, command, 3" on your Mac and then use the crop tool in Photoshop. You probably know this already, but you can also use "shift, command, 4" and a cross hair will allow you to select the area you want to capture. This will save you the time you spend in photoshop "cropping".


    Anyway you've done a great job, and the way you build your brushes in photoshop reminds me a little of the way Burt Monroy does it.

  13. I currently own AM v.9.5. I bought a Power Mac G5 running the latest version of OS 10.3 (Panther), and when I try using AM under classic, it gives me serious problems. Not only does it crash alot, but I can't preview the work I'm doing. Progressive render doesn't work either. Will an upgrade to AM2004 fix this. Although I know the OS X native version of AM is not done, I at least would like to be able to run it under classic. Please help!

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