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Everything posted by tatumrk

  1. and the next one:
  2. ok.... You can see in screen cap 2, the circles that make up the leg are fine til it gets to the point circled in red. In screencap 1 the worst areas are circled. Any thoughts on best way or if this is even necessary to correct are appreciated. Thanks Roger
  3. Hey out there In one of the WIP threads (about the biker character I think) I was very impressed w/ the clay texture. I don't really have any money to buy texture packs unless they are reasonably priced (say $50) and was trying to think of ways to fake it. Would I be able to scan in some modelling clay and use that as a basis for a texture? Maybe also as a displacement map? I would rather use an algorithmic texture if its going to produce better results. thanks Roger
  4. Well I'm pretty sure I have either premiere 3.0 or 4.0.......more likely 4.0. I started drawing my boards today and I'm a bit bummed out.........I'm really out of practice. But they're more for me than to look pretty. Still, it would be nice if they looked polished enough to show someone. Thanks for the tip I will have to go hunting through my pile of stuff.....and hope I still have the serial.
  5. Hey I am going to be doing some story boards today and then scan or "film" them with a webcam to get them into my pc, then edit them together w/ my narration in order to have a rough working draft of my film. As I finish a scene, I am going to splice it into the animatic, til the whole thing is done. I figure this will give me a more concrete idea of what I've got done and how much is left to do rather than try and just animate scenes at random. What I'm wondering is: what's the best way to put this together? Use something like premiere? I think I have an old version floating around. Can I just scan each image once and then do a hold on it? I really don't want to have to scan something 36 times to do a 3 second hold. Would it be better to import it into AM as a still background and just render out a 3 second sequence? Whats the best way to tackle that? Anyway, I'd appreciate any advice or thoughts anyone has. I don't think I'll get the whole thing cut together today, but I do hope to get my boards done. thanks Roger
  6. no big deal. I wasn't sure what you were trying to say. Someone earlier in the thread had stated that your model would not have intakes in the engines, since it is flying in space (no air) There is a type of theoretical engine which would need intakes in order to function in the vacuum of space. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_scoop I was just pointing out that if you were to make such a ship, the engine would be much larger (comically so) than the cockpit. I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I was saying, and that I misunderstood you. Have a good one.
  7. Note sure I follow you there...what exactly are you getting at?
  8. Well...... If his ship was using a Boussard Ram Scoop for propulsion it would need an intake (uses free hydrogen in the vacuum for propulsion, I believe.) Problem is, because of the density of hydrogen in the vacuum, the scoop would be many many times the size of the ship. There was something like this in one of Larry Niven's books.
  9. ahhhhh great, thanks, that explains it. Was worried there for a bit. How do you think it looks now, based on the way it looked originally? I think its a substantial improvement, myself.
  10. Here is what it looks like when final render is hit:
  11. I realize this is a really really old thread, but I have finally fixed the creasing (at least most of it. However, I'm still getting some weird rendering artifacts. In shaded/wireframe mode, there appear to be holes in the model. However, these disappear when I hit the final render button. Should I be concerned? Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I am posting a couple pics.
  12. cool that should come in handy well off to the gym now for some physical punishement thanks
  13. can I just add the cps that you showed and delete the offending splines, or am I going to rip my poor dragon's leg off and start all over?
  14. Here's a closeup of the problem area in shaded/wireframe mode:
  15. And here's the last image I'll be posting before I go to work today: A final render image, the creasing doesn't appear to be too bad. So I don't know if its worth fussing with the leg. Perhaps adding some more patches where the problems are would help (to increase the resolution and reduce the size of the defects?)
  16. here's another view.....keep in mind this is a screen cap I am probably going to make the chest stick out more front to back and also make it wider at the top.....the way it looks now is too birdlike. I will probably also move the legs in a little so his stance isn't so far apart. I am not happy with the feet yet, they are not finished.
  17. Hello there, for those of you that have been following this in the main forum, here it is: there are some creasing problems around the legs, I tried to keep it to 4 pt patches but in a few spots I just couldn't do it. On a positive note, the creasing doesn't seem to be as visible in the final render.
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