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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  • Hardware Platform
  • System Description
    OX X, 2011 iMac
  • Self Assessment: Animation Skill
  • Self Assessment: Modeling Skill
  • Self Assessment: Rigging Skill

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  1. I took a look at the tutorial...wow, that really helped. Thank you SO much!
  2. Sometimes when I'm animating, I'll have one bone not moving for a few seconds, then when I do move it for another frame, it's moving during the whole animation!!! Of course, I try to set it back in each frame where it's not supposed to move, and then everything starts wiggling like crazy because I'm not very precise. I've heard of weights for cp's...is there some kind of "weight" like that for bones that will keep it in place while I don't want it to move? Thanks for whatever help you can give me!
  3. Ok, I found Audacity and it works great. Thanks so much for the help!
  4. I'm working on a Mac so all the sound files I am able to make come in .mov or .m4v format or something to that extent. However, Animation Master only takes files in the .wav format, as you probably already know. How can I convert the files I have to the .wav format? Also, if possible I really don't want to pay for additional software to convert files. Thank you for whatever help you can give.
  5. I'm running on a Mac and I can't figure out how to change .mov or .m4v files to .wav. Can anybody help?
  6. OK. That was probably it. Thanks for the help!
  7. Well, about the model, I was trying to click on New action and I accidentally clicked on New model...I guess I never went back and deleted it. I tried out how the smartskins were working several times, so that's probably what you're seeing. I didn't delete those either. I don't think I embedded my project. Is that helpful? Here's the embedded project. Exercise_13.prj
  8. I get the same thing. I think it's fine.
  9. I'm on the tutorial exercise "Show some backbone" and I'm working on the smartskin. I did some work on the arm, but when I tried it out, a bunch of the splines disappeared! I'm not really sure what's wrong. Can you help? By the way, here's the project. Thanks for any help you can give! Exercise_13.prj
  10. Gerry, thanks!!!!! You fixed this for me. Whew! Purplegirl
  11. Here it is. Thank you for any help you can provide!! Lesson_7.prj
  12. Hi! I am on the exercise "can you say that" and I am having some trouble. I built the dope sheet and added the sound to the actor, but when I press play, I hear the words, but keekat's lips still don't move. The tutorial tells me that the lips should be moving. Thank you for your help! purplegirl
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