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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  1. Is there perhaps someone from the company that can help me with this?
  2. Yes and I still get the same result. This is what I do Right click on the action -> Plug-ins -> Export -> BVH Any ideas what is wrong?
  3. I find it strange that animation master can import bvh so easily but can not export it correctly. I can achieve the same thing with other packages like MotionBuilder very easily, it is just I need the joint hierarchy the the Animation master creates for my applications. Thanks
  4. Any help?????? It should be fairly easy for someone familiar with Animation master
  5. Hi all I have some mocap data in bvh format. I have already imported a sample bvh file into Animation master (version 2005), but when I try to export it I get 1 frame as an output with "Shortcut to ground" as a root of the hierarchy. All I am trying to do is to examine the format that Animation Master exports bvh files. Any ideas what is wrong? Export from animation master HIERARCHY ROOT Shortcut_to_Ground { OFFSET 0 0 0 CHANNELS 0 End Site { OFFSET 0 0 984.252 } } MOTION Frames: 1 Frame Time: 0.0333333 Imported BVh looks like this HIERARCHY ROOT Shortcut_to_reporter { OFFSET 0 0 0 CHANNELS 0 End Site { OFFSET 0 0 1.83728 } JOINT LocalRotateZ { OFFSET 0.091811 -23.1691 -0.13122 CHANNELS 3 Yrotation Xrotation Zrotation End Site { OFFSET 0 0 1.9685 }
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